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ICSE 2023
Sun 14 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia

5th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research & Practices for the Internet of Things

SERP4IoT 2023, May 20

We face a new software crisis. In 1968, computer scientists learned that developing robust software requires skills, methods, and tools. Today, software and hardware engineers realize that developing a robust Internet of Things (IoT) also pushes the states of their art and practice. Recent news illustrate the many problems faced by IoT: from lack of inter-operability to broken updates to massive security attacks. In this context, the International Workshop on Software Engineering Research & Practices for Internet of Things (SERP4IoT) aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and practitioners to address the challenges of, find solutions for, and share experiences with the development, release, and testing of robust software for IoT devices. With the huge success of previous years, and the subsequent success of our special issue on the IEEE IoT Journal, we welcome researchers from all the world to participate in this workshop.

Do not miss it!

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07:30 - 08:50
Building IoT SystemsSERP4IoT at Meeting Room 101
Building IoT Systems Modeling: A Object-oriented Metamodeling Approach
Peter Yefi Concordia University, Ramanunni Menon Concordia University, Ursula Eicker Concordia University
Building an Interface for Controlling IoT Devices
Steven P. Reiss Brown University, USA
An Experiment to Build an Open Source Application for the Internet of Things as Part of a Software Engineering Course
Rares Cristea University of Bucharest, Ciprian Paduraru University of Bucharest
10:10 - 11:20
Learning and Experimenting with IoTSERP4IoT at Meeting Room 101
Motivating and Demystifying IoT Learning with Hackathons in a Maker Space, Low-code Development and Rapid Prototyping
Event Driven Architecture: on the Gap Between Academia and Industry
Nader Trabelsi École de technologie supérieure, Cristiano Politowski École de technologie supérieure, Ghizlane El Boussaidi École de Technologie Supérieure
A Controlled Experiment on Incorporating Failure Knowledge into Design Decisions for Internet of Things Systems
Dharun Anandayuvaraj Purdue University, Pujita Thulluri Purdue University, Justin Figueroa Purdue University, Harshit Shandilya Purdue University, James C. Davis Purdue University
11:25 - 12:30
Model Driven Development and Innovation on IoTSERP4IoT at Meeting Room 101
ReqMIoT: An Integrated Requirements Modelling Environment for IoT Systems
Paul Boutot Toronto Metropolitan University, Sadaf Mustafiz Toronto Metropolitan University
ra4xstate: An Efficient Quantitative Robustness Analysis Approach for Statecharts
Majid Babaei McGill University, Maroua Ben Attia Humanitas Solutions
Open Innovation in Cities with IoT Hackathons
Breno Alencar Gonçalves Emprel, Evisson Lucena Prefeitura da Cidade do Recife, Kiev Gama UFPE

Call for Contributions

IoT systems are composed of software systems that enable solutions for device connectivity, device management, data management, application development, and advanced analytics for/from connected IoT systems. Software engineering is vital for IoT to design systems that are secure, interoperable, modifiable, and scalable. However, there is not a consensus of crucial questions like what are the best practices for developing projects for IoT, how to select the best architecture, which communications protocols are the most suitable, and what are the best practices in terms of security.

SERP4IoT 2023 aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and practitioners to address the challenges of, find solutions, and share experiences with the development, release, and testing of robust software for IoT devices. The workshop will consist of keynotes presented by academic experts and practitioners from industry, long- and short-paper presentations, talks, poster sessions, working groups after each lighting session, and a fishbowl panel for semi-structured group discussions at the end of the workshop.

Topics for papers and talks include, but are not limited to:

  • Software engineering (SE) practices in IoT projects
  • Software security and reliability in IoT products
  • Architecture and design models and techniques in IoT projects
  • Software quality management in IoT projects
  • Usability aspects in IoT projects
  • Software development tools, platforms, and environments for IoT Teaching
  • SE practices in industrial IoT (IIoT) SE practices in domain-specific IoT projects, e.g., smart city, retail, logistics, healthcare, transportation, utilities
  • SE methods and techniques for IoT projects
  • Risk and valuation techniques for software development in IoT projects
  • Big data and analytics in IoT projects
  • Context-awareness.
  • Model-based SE for IoT projects
  • SE practices for IoT projects
  • Software orchestration for IoT
  • IoT Communication protocols
  • Robotics
  • Green and eco-friendly software for IoT
  • Context-aware software for IoT
  • Local, edge, and cloud based IoT services

Prospective participants, from academy and industry, are invited to submit long (8-pages), short (4-pages) or poster (1-page) papers describing their work or ideas related to the workshop topics. Short and long papers should identify challenges, discuss opposing viewpoints, outline processes, or present solutions related to any aspects of software engineering for IoT. Authors will have the choice to publish or not their papers in pre- and post-proceedings. Submissions must conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template, specified in the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines. Papers must have a maximum length of 8 pages. It is not possible to pay for extra pages.

Accepted papers and talk abstracts will have between 5 and 10 minutes for presentation.

Submissions should follow ICSE formatting guidelines and should be submitted through EasyChair.

Note: the official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2023. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Questions? Use the SERP4IoT contact form.