Sun 17 - Thu 21 October 2010 Location to be announced
Rahul Purandare

Registered user since Wed 13 Jun 2018

Name:Rahul Purandare

Dr. Rahul Purandare is an Assistant Professor and the Head of the department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-D). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln in 2011. He is primarily interested in program analysis and his research has appeared in the proceedings of several reputed conferences including OOPSLA, FSE, ICSE, WSDM, FM, ISSTA, ASE, MSR, ICST, PEPM, IROS, and RV. He has received the ACM distinguished research paper award for the work presented at ISSTA 2013 and the best paper award for the work presented at RV 2018.

Research interests:Program Analysis
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