/ Steffen Herbold

Registered user since Fri 28 Apr 2023
Name:Steffen Herbold
Affiliation:University of Passau
Personal website:
Research interests:software mining, machine learning, software testing for machine learning, AI engineering
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of Are automated static analysis tools worth it? An investigation into relative warning density and external software quality on the example of Apache open source projects within the Journal-first Papers-track
- Author of What really changes when developers intend to improve their source code: A commit-level study of static metric value and static analysis warning changes within the Journal-first Papers-track
- Author of Differential testing for machine learning: an analysis for classification algorithms beyond deep learning within the Journal-first Papers-track
Mining Software Repositories
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of An exploratory study of bug introducing changes: what happens when bugs are introduced in open source software? within the Registered Reports-track
- Author of Understanding issues related to personal data and data protection in open source projects on GitHub within the Registered Reports-track
- Session Chair of PROMISE (part of PROMISE 2023)
- Session Chair of Opening and Keynote (part of PROMISE 2023)
- PC Co-Chair in Organizing Committee within the PROMISE 2023-track
- Presenter of Closing Session within the PROMISE 2023-track
- Presenter of Opening Session and Best Paper Award within the PROMISE 2023-track
- Author of Problems with with SZZ and Features: An empirical assessment of the state of practice of defect prediction data collection within the Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of On the validity of pre-trained transformers for natural language processing in the software engineering domain within the Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of Exploring the relationship between performance metrics and cost saving potential of defect prediction models within the Journal-First Papers-track
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of A Longitudinal Study of Static Analysis Warning Evolution and the Effects of PMD on Software Quality in Apache Open Source Projects within the Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of On the cost and profit of software defect prediction within the Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of On the feasibility of automated prediction of bug and non-bug issues within the Journal-First Papers-track