VEE 2022
Tue 1 Mar 2022
David Grove

Registered user since Mon 19 May 2014

Name:David Grove

Dave Grove is a Distinguished Research Staff Member in the Hybrid Cloud Platform Department at the IBM Watson Research Center. He joined IBM in 1998, after completing a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Washington. At IBM, he has worked on a number of projects in the general area of programming language implementation including Jikes RVM, Metronome, X10, and Swift@IBM. He is currently contributing to the re-invention of cloud programming models and cloud-native application development in the context of the Apache OpenWhisk and KAR open source projects. Dave is an ACM Fellow and has received three SIGPLAN “most influential paper” awards for his work on the optimization of object oriented languages.

Country:United States
Affiliation:IBM Research
Research interests:Programming Languages, Virtual Machines, Parallel Programming


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