Registered user since Wed 8 Jul 2020
Yu Kang is a Senior Researcher in the DKI (Data, Knowledge, Intelligence) area of Microsoft Research Asia. He is also an adjunct professor at School of Computer Science, Fudan University. He focuses on data-driven technologies for intelligent cloud service. His research combines ABC (AI, big data and cloud computing), which adopts AI technologies on big data generated during cloud computing runtime. He has publications in topic conferences of Software Engineering (SE) area. He had served as principal investigator of several industry and research projects including a NSFC project. Aiming at building more reliable cloud platform, the research technologies have been integrated into fundamental cloud platform services which supports all Microsoft online services including Microsoft Azure, Office365, etc. He joined Microsoft Research in 2018. More information can be found at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/kay/
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