DeepTest 2021
Tue 1 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
VenueMain Conference
Room nameDemonstration Room
Room InformationNo extra information available

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Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:45 - 11:15
2.1. Evolution 1ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Giuseppe Scanniello University of Basilicata

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demonstration room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

MigrationAdvisor: Recommending Library Migrations from Large-Scale Open-Source DataDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Hao He Peking University, Yulin Xu Peking University, Xiao Cheng Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Guangtai Liang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, Minghui Zhou Peking University, China
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AndroEvolve: Automated Update for Android Deprecated-API UsagesDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Stefanus Agus Haryono Singapore Management University, Ferdian Thung , David Lo Singapore Management University, Lingxiao Jiang Singapore Management University, Julia Lawall Inria, Hong Jin Kang , Lucas Serrano Sorbonne University/Inria/LIP6, Gilles Muller Inria
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GraphGallery: A Platform for Fast Benchmarking and Easy Development of Graph Neural Networks Based Intelligent SoftwareDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Jintang Li Sun Yat-sen University, Kun Xu Sun Yat-sen University, Liang Chen School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Zibin Zheng School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Xiao Liu School of Information Technology, Deakin University
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BLOCKEYE: Hunting For DeFi Attacks on BlockchainDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Bin Wang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China, Han Liu Tsinghua University, Chao Liu Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China, Zhiqiang Yang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Qian Ren Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China, Huixuan Zheng Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hong Lei Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China
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APIScanner - Towards Automated Detection of Deprecated APIs in Python LibrariesDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Aparna Vadlamani Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, Rishitha Kalicheti Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, Sridhar Chimalakonda Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached
18:15 - 18:45
2.2. VerificationICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Francisco Servant Virginia Tech

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demo room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

Metrinome: Path Complexity Predicts Symbolic Execution Path ExplosionDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Gabriel Bessler Harvey Mudd College, Josh Cordova Harvey Mudd College, Shaheen Cullen-Baratloo Harvey Mudd College, Sofiane Dissem Harvey Mudd College, Emily Lu Scripps College, Ibrahim Abughararh Harvey Mudd College, Sofia Devin Harvey Mudd College, Lucas Bang Harvey Mudd College
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Roosterize: Suggesting Lemma Names for Coq Verification Projects Using Deep LearningDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Pengyu Nie University of Texas at Austin, Karl Palmskog KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Junyi Jessy Li University of Texas at Austin, USA, Milos Gligoric University of Texas at Austin
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NEUROSPF: A Tool For the Symbolic Analysis of Neural NetworksDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Muhammad Usman University of Texas at Austin, USA, Yannic Noller National University of Singapore, Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center, Youcheng Sun Queen's University Belfast, UK, Divya Gopinath NASA Ames (KBR Inc.)
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Thu 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

14:30 - 15:00
3.1. Evolution 2ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Giuseppe Scanniello University of Basilicata

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demonstration room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

The Software Heritage Filesystem (SwhFS): Integrating Source Code Archival with DevelopmentDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Thibault Allançon EPITA / LRDE, Antoine Pietri Inria, Stefano Zacchiroli Université de Paris and Inria
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Guiding engineers with the Passive Process Engine EnvironmentDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Stefan Bichler JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY LINZ, Felix Keplinger JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY LINZ, Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University
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Creating and Migrating Chatbots with CongaDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Sara Perez-Soler Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Esther Guerra Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Juan de Lara Autonomous University of Madrid
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Robot Runner: A Tool for Automatically Executing Experiments on Robotics SoftwareDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Stan Swanborn Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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R-MOZART: A Reconfiguration Tool for WebThings ApplicationsDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Francisco Durán University of Málaga, Spain, Ajay Krishna Inria Grenoble, France, Michel Le Pallec Nokia Bell Labs, Radu Mateescu INRIA, Gwen Salaün University of Grenoble Alpes
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18:45 - 19:15
3.2. Testing 1ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Francisco Servant Virginia Tech

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demonstration room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

Efficient Fuzz Testing for Apache Spark Using Framework AbstractionDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Qian Zhang University of California, Los Angeles, Jiyuan Wang University of California, Los Angeles, Muhammad Ali Gulzar Virginia Tech, Rohan Padhye Carnegie Mellon University, Miryung Kim University of California at Los Angeles, USA
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Quartermaster: A Tool for Modeling and Simulating System DegradationDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Matt Pope Brigham Young University, Jonathan Sillito Brigham Young University
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μSE: Mutation-based Evaluation of Security-focused Static Analysis Tools for AndroidDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Amit Seal Ami William & Mary, Kaushal Kafle College of William & Mary, Kevin Moran George Mason University, Adwait Nadkarni William & Mary, Denys Poshyvanyk College of William & Mary
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20:15 - 20:45
3.3. Evolution 3ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Francisco Servant Virginia Tech

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demonstration room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

V2S: A Tool for Translating Video Recordings of Mobile App Usages into Replayable ScenariosDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Madeleine Havranek William & Mary, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas Microsoft, Nathan Cooper William & Mary, Oscar Chaparro College of William & Mary, Denys Poshyvanyk College of William & Mary, Kevin Moran George Mason University
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gazel: Supporting Source Code Edits in Eye-Tracking StudiesDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Sarah Fakhoury Washington State University, Devjeet Roy Washington State University, Harry Pines Washington State University, Tyler Cleveland Washington State University, Cole S. Peterson University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Venera Arnaoudova Washington State University, Bonita Sharif University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Jonathan I. Maletic Kent State University
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COSTER: A Tool for Finding Fully Qualified Names of API Elements in Online Code SnippetsDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
C M Khaled Saifullah Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Muhammad Asaduzzaman Queen�s University, Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan
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Fri 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:55 - 11:25
4.1. Testing 2ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations at Demonstration Room
Chair(s): Giuseppe Scanniello University of Basilicata

Each demo makes a 1-minute presentation (displayed in the Demonstration room). At the end of each presentation, a breakout room will be created for each demo. Attendees will be able to join and discuss with the authors.

FastCA: An Effective and Efficient Tool for Combinatorial Covering Array GenerationDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Jinkun Lin State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Shaowei Cai Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Bing He Microsoft Research, China, Yingjie Fu Peking University, China, Chuan Luo Microsoft Research, China, Qingwei Lin Microsoft Research, Beijing, China
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GAssert: A Fully Automated Tool to Improve Assertion OraclesDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Valerio Terragni The University of Auckland, Gunel Jahangirova USI Lugano, Switzerland, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Switzerland, Mauro Pezze USI Lugano, Switzerland
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UIS-Hunter: Detecting UI Design Smells in Android AppsDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Bo Yang Zhejiang University, Zhenchang Xing Australian National University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Chunyang Chen Monash University, Deheng Ye Tencent AI Lab, Shanping Li Zhejiang University
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Testing Framework for Black-box AI ModelsDemonstration
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
Aniya Aggarwal IBM Research, India, Samiulla Shaikh IBM Research, India, Sandeep Hans IBM India Research Lab, Swastik Haldar IBM Research, India, Rema Ananthanarayanan IBM Research, India, Diptikalyan Saha IBM Research India
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Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Thu 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Fri 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
