DeepTest 2021
Tue 1 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
VenueMain Conference
Room nameJSEET Room
Room InformationNo extra information available

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Tue 25 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

12:05 - 13:05
1.1. Teaching Software Quality IICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University, Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Experience report
GitHub-OSS Fixit: Fixing bugs at scale in a Software Engineering CourseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Chunfeng Hu Southern University of Science and Technology, Ziqiang Li Southern University of Science and Technology, Xiaowen Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Ying Zhou Southern University of Science and Technology
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Experience report
Learning Software Quality Assurance with BricksJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Miguel Ehécatl Morales Trujillo University of Canterbury
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Experience report
Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Chun Yong Chong Monash University, Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
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Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

00:05 - 01:05
Experience report
GitHub-OSS Fixit: Fixing bugs at scale in a Software Engineering CourseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Chunfeng Hu Southern University of Science and Technology, Ziqiang Li Southern University of Science and Technology, Xiaowen Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Ying Zhou Southern University of Science and Technology
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Experience report
Learning Software Quality Assurance with BricksJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Miguel Ehécatl Morales Trujillo University of Canterbury
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Experience report
Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Chun Yong Chong Monash University, Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
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12:55 - 13:55
2.1. Teaching SE in Real ContextsICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Experience report
Teaching the Scrum Master Role using Professional Agile Coaches and Communities of PracticeJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, Finland
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Experience report
Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience ReportJSEETBest Paper JSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
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Experience report
Supporting Real Demands in Software Engineering with a Four Steps Project-Based Learning ApproachJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Leonardo Humberto Silva IFNMG-Salinas, Renata Xavier Castro IFNMG-Salinas, Marice Costa Guimaraes IFNMG-Salinas
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20:40 - 21:40
2.2. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Experience report
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification StandardJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Sarah Elder North Carolina State University, Nusrat Zahan North Carolina State University, Val Kozarev North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, Rui Shu North Carolina State University, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
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Experience report
Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Orit Hazzan Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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"Is My Mic On?" Preparing SE Students for Collaborative Remote Work and Hybrid Team CommunicationJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Makayla Moster Clemson University, Denae Ford Microsoft Research, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University
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Thu 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

00:55 - 01:55
Experience report
Teaching the Scrum Master Role using Professional Agile Coaches and Communities of PracticeJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, Finland
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Experience report
Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience ReportJSEETBest Paper JSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
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Experience report
Supporting Real Demands in Software Engineering with a Four Steps Project-Based Learning ApproachJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Leonardo Humberto Silva IFNMG-Salinas, Renata Xavier Castro IFNMG-Salinas, Marice Costa Guimaraes IFNMG-Salinas
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08:40 - 09:40
Experience report
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification StandardJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Sarah Elder North Carolina State University, Nusrat Zahan North Carolina State University, Val Kozarev North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, Rui Shu North Carolina State University, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
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Experience report
Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Orit Hazzan Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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"Is My Mic On?" Preparing SE Students for Collaborative Remote Work and Hybrid Team CommunicationJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Makayla Moster Clemson University, Denae Ford Microsoft Research, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University
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10:00 - 11:00
3.1. Student Assessment IICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Effectiveness of Peer Review in Teaching and Learning User Centered Conceptual Design Among Large Cohorts of Information Technology StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Farshid Anvari Macquarie University, Hien Minh Thi Tran Minh Hien Pty Ltd, Deborah Richards Macquarie University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Reforming Assessment: Challenges Beyond DesignJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Laura Tubino Deakin University, Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Dhananjay Thiruvady Deakin University, Chathu Ranaweera Deakin University
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Gradeer: An Open-Source Modular Hybrid GraderJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Benjamin Clegg The University of Sheffield, Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol University of Sheffield, Phil McMinn The University of Sheffield, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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11:50 - 12:50
3.2. Student Assessment IIICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self GradingJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Frank Mulder Delft University of Technology, Felienne Hermans Leiden University
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Experience report
Enhancing the Learning of Database Access Programming using Continuous Integration and Aspect Oriented ProgrammingJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Beatriz Pérez Universidad de La Rioja
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Experience report
Mutation testing and self/peer assessment: analyzing their effect on students in a software testing courseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pedro Delgado-Pérez Universidad de Cádiz, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo Universidad de Cádiz, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García Universidad de Cádiz, Kevin Jesús Valle-Gómez Universidad de Cádiz
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15:05 - 16:05
3.3. Novel Approaches to SE Education IICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Research paper
Constructive Master's Thesis Work in Industry: Guidelines for Applying Design Science ResearchJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
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Research paper
Onboarding in Software Product Lines: Concept Maps as Welcome GuidesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maider Azanza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Arantza Irastorza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Raul Medeiros University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Oscar Diaz University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Experience report
Improving Concept Learning Through Specialized Digital FanzinesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
José Manuel Redondo López Universidad de Oviedo
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16:30 - 17:40
JSEET Keynote and JSEET Best Paper AwardICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University, Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
JSEET Best Paper Award - Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience Report
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
David Garlan's JSEET Keynote: "Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education"Keynote
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Media Attached
20:50 - 21:50
3.4. Novel approaches to SE Education IIICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Experience report
Qualifying Software Engineers Undergraduates in DevOps - Challenges of introducing technical and non-technical concepts in a project-oriented courseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Isaque Alves University of Brasilia (UnB), Carla Silva Rocha Aguiar unb
Research paper
The Diversity of Gamification Evaluation in the Software Engineering Education and Industry: Trends, Comparisons and GapsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rodrigo Monteiro UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Mauricio Souza UFLA - Federal University of Lavras, Sandro Oliveira UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Carlos Portela UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Cesar Lobato UFPA - Federal University of Pará
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An Inquisitive Code Editor for Addressing Novice Programmers' Misconceptions of Program BehaviorJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Austin Henley University of Tennessee, Julian Ball University of Tennessee, Benjamin Klein University of Tennessee, Aiden Rutter University of Tennessee, Dylan Lee University of Tennessee
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22:00 - 23:00
Research paper
Effectiveness of Peer Review in Teaching and Learning User Centered Conceptual Design Among Large Cohorts of Information Technology StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Farshid Anvari Macquarie University, Hien Minh Thi Tran Minh Hien Pty Ltd, Deborah Richards Macquarie University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Reforming Assessment: Challenges Beyond DesignJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Laura Tubino Deakin University, Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Dhananjay Thiruvady Deakin University, Chathu Ranaweera Deakin University
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Gradeer: An Open-Source Modular Hybrid GraderJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Benjamin Clegg The University of Sheffield, Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol University of Sheffield, Phil McMinn The University of Sheffield, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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23:50 - 00:50
Research paper
Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self GradingJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Frank Mulder Delft University of Technology, Felienne Hermans Leiden University
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Experience report
Enhancing the Learning of Database Access Programming using Continuous Integration and Aspect Oriented ProgrammingJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Beatriz Pérez Universidad de La Rioja
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Experience report
Mutation testing and self/peer assessment: analyzing their effect on students in a software testing courseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pedro Delgado-Pérez Universidad de Cádiz, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo Universidad de Cádiz, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García Universidad de Cádiz, Kevin Jesús Valle-Gómez Universidad de Cádiz
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Fri 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

03:05 - 04:05
Research paper
Constructive Master's Thesis Work in Industry: Guidelines for Applying Design Science ResearchJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
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Research paper
Onboarding in Software Product Lines: Concept Maps as Welcome GuidesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maider Azanza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Arantza Irastorza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Raul Medeiros University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Oscar Diaz University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Experience report
Improving Concept Learning Through Specialized Digital FanzinesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
José Manuel Redondo López Universidad de Oviedo
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04:30 - 05:40
JSEET Best Paper Award - Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience Report
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
David Garlan's JSEET Keynote: "Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education"Keynote
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Media Attached
08:50 - 09:50
Experience report
Qualifying Software Engineers Undergraduates in DevOps - Challenges of introducing technical and non-technical concepts in a project-oriented courseJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Isaque Alves University of Brasilia (UnB), Carla Silva Rocha Aguiar unb
Research paper
The Diversity of Gamification Evaluation in the Software Engineering Education and Industry: Trends, Comparisons and GapsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rodrigo Monteiro UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Mauricio Souza UFLA - Federal University of Lavras, Sandro Oliveira UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Carlos Portela UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Cesar Lobato UFPA - Federal University of Pará
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An Inquisitive Code Editor for Addressing Novice Programmers' Misconceptions of Program BehaviorJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Austin Henley University of Tennessee, Julian Ball University of Tennessee, Benjamin Klein University of Tennessee, Aiden Rutter University of Tennessee, Dylan Lee University of Tennessee
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10:00 - 11:00
4.1. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IIICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Is Secure Coding Education in the Industry Needed? An Investigation Through a Large Scale SurveyJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Tiago Espinha Gasiba Siemens AG, Ulrike Lechner Universität der Bundeswehr München, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology
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Experience report
To get good student ratings you should only teach programming courses? Investigation and implications of student evaluations of teaching in a software engineering contextJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Antti Knutas LUT University, Timo Hynninen South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Maija Hujala LUT University
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Research paper
Morning or Evening? An Examination of Circadian Rhythms of CS1 StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Albina Zavgorodniaia Aalto University, Raj Shrestha Utah State University, Juho Leinonen University of Helsinki, Arto Hellas Aalto University, John Edwards Utah State University
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15:05 - 16:25
4.2. Teaching Software Quality IIICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Finding Anomalies in Scratch AssignmentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Nina Körber University of Passau, Katharina Geldreich Technical University of Munich, Andreas Stahlbauer University of Passau, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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Experience report
How do students test software units?JSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Lex Bijlsma Open Universiteit, Niels Doorn NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Harrie Passier Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands, Harold Pootjes Open Universiteit, Sylvia Stuurman Open University NL
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL QueriesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Kai Presler-Marshall North Carolina State University, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Kathryn Stolee North Carolina State University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch ProgramsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Gordon Fraser University of Passau, Ute Heuer Universität Passau, Nina Körber University of Passau, Florian Obermüller University of Passau, Ewald Wasmeier University of Passau
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19:30 - 20:30
4.3. Team PracticesICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Research paper
Who Does What? Work Division and Allocation Strategies of Computer Science Student TeamsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Anna van der Meulen Leiden University, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden
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Research paper
Assessment of a hybrid software development process for student projects: a controlled experimentJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rafal Wlodarski Lodz University of Technology, Jean-Rémy Falleri Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France., Corinne Parvéry Bordeaux INP
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Bluejay: A Cross-Tooling Audit Framework For Agile Software TeamsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
César García University of Sevilla, Alejandro Guerrero University of Seville, Joshua Zeitsoff University of California, Berkeley, Srujay Korlakunta University of California, Berkeley, Pablo Fernandez University of Seville, Armando Fox University of California, Berkeley, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés University of Seville
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22:00 - 23:00
Research paper
Is Secure Coding Education in the Industry Needed? An Investigation Through a Large Scale SurveyJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Tiago Espinha Gasiba Siemens AG, Ulrike Lechner Universität der Bundeswehr München, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology
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Experience report
To get good student ratings you should only teach programming courses? Investigation and implications of student evaluations of teaching in a software engineering contextJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Antti Knutas LUT University, Timo Hynninen South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Maija Hujala LUT University
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Research paper
Morning or Evening? An Examination of Circadian Rhythms of CS1 StudentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Albina Zavgorodniaia Aalto University, Raj Shrestha Utah State University, Juho Leinonen University of Helsinki, Arto Hellas Aalto University, John Edwards Utah State University
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Sat 29 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

03:05 - 04:25
Research paper
Finding Anomalies in Scratch AssignmentsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Nina Körber University of Passau, Katharina Geldreich Technical University of Munich, Andreas Stahlbauer University of Passau, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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Experience report
How do students test software units?JSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Lex Bijlsma Open Universiteit, Niels Doorn NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Harrie Passier Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands, Harold Pootjes Open Universiteit, Sylvia Stuurman Open University NL
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL QueriesJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Kai Presler-Marshall North Carolina State University, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Kathryn Stolee North Carolina State University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch ProgramsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Gordon Fraser University of Passau, Ute Heuer Universität Passau, Nina Körber University of Passau, Florian Obermüller University of Passau, Ewald Wasmeier University of Passau
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07:30 - 08:30
Research paper
Who Does What? Work Division and Allocation Strategies of Computer Science Student TeamsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Anna van der Meulen Leiden University, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden
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Research paper
Assessment of a hybrid software development process for student projects: a controlled experimentJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rafal Wlodarski Lodz University of Technology, Jean-Rémy Falleri Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France., Corinne Parvéry Bordeaux INP
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Bluejay: A Cross-Tooling Audit Framework For Agile Software TeamsJSEET
ICSE JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
César García University of Sevilla, Alejandro Guerrero University of Seville, Joshua Zeitsoff University of California, Berkeley, Srujay Korlakunta University of California, Berkeley, Pablo Fernandez University of Seville, Armando Fox University of California, Berkeley, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés University of Seville
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Tue 25 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change


Thu 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change


Fri 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

