109 results

People (109 results)
Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon

Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon

Australian National University

… Engineering, Technical Debt, and ML/DL. He is currently working on Algorithm Debt in ML/DL Software (e.g., Deep Learning frameworks). …

Mehil Shah

Mehil Shah

Dalhousie University

… I’m a PhD Student in the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University, Canada under the guidance of Dr. Masud Rahman and Dr. Foutse Khomh. Currently, I’m focused on building bug localization and reproduction systems for ML and DL

Junghyun Lee

Junghyun Lee

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

… current interests range over the whole fields of ML/DL/RL(+bandits … to, probabilistic(Bayesian) ML/DL, graphs, algorithmic fairness, and “other” areas …