Wed 17 JulDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
11:00 - 12:30 | Software Maintenance and Comprehension 1Research Papers / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Demonstrations at Acerola Chair(s): Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University | ||
12:12 9mTalk | Variability-Aware Differencing with DiffDetectiveBest Demo Paper Demonstrations Paul Maximilian Bittner Paderborn University, Alexander Schultheiß Paderborn University, Benjamin Moosherr University of Ulm, Timo Kehrer University of Bern, Thomas Thüm Paderborn University Pre-print Media Attached |
11:00 - 12:30 | Formal VerificationDemonstrations / Journal First / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Pitanga Chair(s): Yunja Choi Kyungpook National University | ||
11:18 9mTalk | CoqPyt: Proof Navigation in Python in the Era of LLMs Demonstrations Pedro Carrott Imperial College London, Nuno Saavedra INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon, Kyle Thompson University of California, San Diego, Sorin Lerner University of California at San Diego, João F. Ferreira INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon, Emily First University of California, San Diego DOI Pre-print |
14:00 - 15:30 | Processes, Requirements, and ArchitectureIndustry Papers / Journal First / Research Papers / Demonstrations at Acerola Chair(s): Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology | ||
15:03 9mTalk | MicroKarta: Visualising Microservice Architectures Demonstrations Oscar Manglaras University of Adelaide, Alex Farkas University of Adelaide, Peter Fule Swordfish Computing, Christoph Treude Singapore Management University, Markus Wagner Monash University, Australia |
16:00 - 18:00 | Program Analysis and Performance 1Research Papers / Industry Papers / Demonstrations / Ideas, Visions and Reflections at Acerola Chair(s): Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute | ||
17:30 9mTalk | XGuard: Detecting Inconsistency Behaviors of Crosschain Bridges Demonstrations Ke Wang Peking University, Yue Li Peking University, Che Wang Peking University, China, Jianbo Gao Peking University, Zhi Guan Peking University, Zhong Chen | ||
17:39 9mTalk | Rapid Taint Assisted Concolic Execution (TACE) Demonstrations Ridhi Jain Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Norbert Tihanyi Technology Innovation Institute, Mthandazo Ndhlovu Technology Innovation Institute, Mohamed Amine Ferrag Technology Innovation Institute, Lucas C. Cordeiro University of Manchester, UK DOI |
16:00 - 18:00 | Program Repair and SynthesisDemonstrations / Research Papers / Ideas, Visions and Reflections at Mandacaru Chair(s): Fernanda Madeiral Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | ||
17:39 9mTalk | ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-based Fault Localization and Program Repair Demonstrations Yonghao Wu Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Zheng Li Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Jie M. Zhang King's College London, Yong Liu Beijing University of Chemical Technology | ||
17:48 9mTalk | ASAC: A Benchmark for Algorithm Synthesis Demonstrations Zhao Zhang Peking University, Yican Sun Peking University, Ruyi Ji Peking University, Siyuan Li Peking University, Xuanyu Peng University of California, San Diego, Zhechong Huang Peking University, Sizhe Li Peking University, Tianran Zhu Peking University, Yingfei Xiong Peking University Pre-print Media Attached |
16:00 - 18:00 | Testing 2Demonstrations / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Pitanga Chair(s): Wing Lam George Mason University | ||
16:54 9mTalk | Tests4Py: A Benchmark for System Testing Demonstrations Marius Smytzek CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Martin Eberlein Humboldt University of Berlin, Batuhan Serce CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Lars Grunske Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:12 9mTalk | Ctest4J: A Practical Configuration Testing Framework for Java Demonstrations Shuai Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Xinyu Lian University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Qingyu Li University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Darko Marinov University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tianyin Xu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Pre-print | ||
17:30 9mTalk | Py-holmes: Causal Testing for Deep Neural Networks in Python Demonstrations Wren McQueary George Mason University, sadia afrin mim George Mason University, Nishat Raihan George Mason University, Justin Smith Lafayette College, Brittany Johnson George Mason University Pre-print | ||
17:39 9mTalk | AndroLog: Android Instrumentation and Code Coverage Analysis Demonstrations Jordan Samhi CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security DOI Pre-print | ||
17:48 9mTalk | PathSpotter: Exploring Tested Paths to Discover Missing Tests Demonstrations Andre Hora UFMG Pre-print Media Attached |
16:00 - 18:00 | Fault Diagnosis and Root Cause Analysis 1Demonstrations / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Sapoti Chair(s): Muhammad Ali Gulzar Virginia Tech | ||
17:48 9mTalk | MineCPP: Mining Bug Fix Pairs and Their Structures Demonstrations DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
Thu 18 JulDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
14:00 - 15:30 | SE4AI 1Journal First / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Research Papers / Demonstrations at Mandacaru Chair(s): Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO | ||
15:21 9mTalk | GAISSALabel: A tool for energy labeling of ML models Demonstrations Pau Duran Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Joel Castaño Fernández Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Cristina Gómez Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Silverio Martínez-Fernández UPC-BarcelonaTech Link to publication Pre-print |
16:00 - 18:00 | SE4AI 2Research Papers / Industry Papers / Demonstrations / Journal First at Mandacaru Chair(s): Wei Yang University of Texas at Dallas | ||
16:36 9mTalk | Decide: Knowledge-based Version Incompatibility Detection in Deep Learning Stacks Demonstrations Zihan Zhou The University of Hong Kong, Zhongkai Zhao National University of Singapore, Bonan Kou Purdue University, Tianyi Zhang Purdue University DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
16:00 - 18:00 | Testing 3Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Demonstrations / Research Papers / Journal First at Pitanga Chair(s): Qi Xin Wuhan University | ||
17:12 9mTalk | ExLi : An Inline-Test Generation Tool for Java Demonstrations Yu Liu University of Texas at Austin, Aditya Thimmaiah The University of Texas at Austin, Owolabi Legunsen Cornell University, Milos Gligoric The University of Texas at Austin | ||
17:21 9mTalk | ATheNA-S: a Testing Tool for Simulink Models Driven by Software Requirements and Domain Expertise Demonstrations Federico Formica McMaster University, Mohammad Mahdi Mahboob McMaster University, Mehrnoosh Askarpour McMaster University, Claudio Menghi University of Bergamo; McMaster University |
16:00 - 18:00 | AI4SE 3Industry Papers / Demonstrations / Journal First at Pitomba Chair(s): Maliheh Izadi Delft University of Technology | ||
17:48 9mTalk | EM-Assist: Safe automated ExtractMethod refactoring with LLMs Demonstrations Dorin Pomian University of Colorado Boulder, Abhiram Bellur University of Colorado Boulder, Malinda Dilhara University of Colorado Boulder, Zarina Kurbatova JetBrains Research, Egor Bogomolov JetBrains Research, Andrey Sokolov JetBrains Research, Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research, Danny Dig University of Colorado Boulder, JetBrains Research Pre-print |
16:00 - 18:00 | FuzzingDemonstrations / Journal First / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Sapoti Chair(s): Maxime Lamothe Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Canada | ||
17:12 9mTalk | VinJ: An Automated Tool for Large-Scale Software Vulnerability Data Generation Demonstrations Yu Nong Washington State University, Haoran Yang Washington State University, Feng Chen University of Texas at Dallas, Haipeng Cai Washington State University DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
Fri 19 JulDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
14:00 - 15:30 | Software Maintenance and Comprehension 4Research Papers / Demonstrations / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Industry Papers at Pitomba Chair(s): Timo Kehrer University of Bern | ||
14:54 9mTalk | CognitIDE: An IDE Plugin for Mapping Physiological Measurements to Source Code Demonstrations Fabian Stolp Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Malte Stellmacher Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Bert Arnrich Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam Link to publication DOI Media Attached |
Unscheduled Events
Not scheduled Talk | ChatUniTest: A Framework for LLM-based Test Generation Demonstrations Yinghao Chen Zhejiang University, Zehao Hu Zhejiang University, Chen Zhi Zhejiang University, Junxiao Han , Shuiguang Deng Zhejiang University; Alibaba-Zhejiang University Joint Institute of Frontier Technologies, Jianwei Yin Zhejiang University | ||
Not scheduled Talk | ModelFoundry: A Tool for DNN Modularization and On-demand Model Reuse Inspired by the Wisdom of Software Engineering Demonstrations Xiaohan Bi Beihang University, Ruobing Zhao Beihang University, Binhang Qi Beihang University, Hailong Sun Beihang University, Xiang Gao Beihang University, Yue Yu National University of Defense Technology, Xiaojun Liang PengCheng Lab |
Accepted Papers
Call for Tool Demonstrations
The FSE 2024 Demonstrations Track invites researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering supported by live presentations of new research tools, data, and other artifacts. We encourage innovative research demonstrations, which show early implementations of novel software engineering concepts, as well as mature prototypes. The research demonstrations are intended to highlight underlying scientific contributions. Whereas a regular research paper points out the scientific contribution of a new software engineering approach, a demonstration paper provides the opportunity to show how a scientific contribution has been transferred into a working tool or data set. Authors of regular research papers are thus encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper. Demonstration papers should present new content, such as details on a tool implementation, that has not been previously published, including in other tracks of the same conference. If applicable, authors should clearly describe any differences with their previous publications in their submission.
Submission Guidelines
At the time of submission, all papers must conform to the FSE 2024 Format and Submission Guidelines, and must not exceed four pages for all text, figures, and tables. An additional one page can be used for references. Submitted papers must be written in English. They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
A submitted paper should describe the artifact and the intent and relevance of the demonstration for researchers and practitioners. To provide insight into the actual demonstration and availability, the authors are requested to include:
- A walkthrough of the actual demonstration provided as an appendix to the paper (this appendix will not be included in the page count and will not be published).
- A link to a screencast or some other accompanying multimedia presentation of the demonstration.
- Information on the tool or data availability, maturity, and user base, as well as a link to a website for the materials (if one exists) and any tool source code (if open source).
- All accepted demonstration papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
FSE Tool Demo will employ a single-blind review process. The papers submitted do not need to hide the authors’ identities.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of FSE 2024. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and present the paper at FSE 2024 in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. One-day registrations do NOT satisfy the registration requirement. Please carefully read the complete list of FSE Submission Policies and Policies for Accepted Contributions. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files through the conference submission site at
Tools and Data Availability
To promote replicability and to disseminate the advances achieved with the research tools and data sets, we require that data sets are publicly available for download and use. We strongly encourage the same for tools, ideally through their distribution with an open-source software license. Whenever the tool is not made publicly available, the paper must include a clear explanation for why this was not possible.
Authors are also encouraged to distribute their demonstration in a form that can be easily used, such as a virtual machine image, a software container (e.g., Docker), or a system configuration (e.g., Puppet, Ansible, Salt, CFEngine).
To further increase the visibility of the presented tools and data sets, we require all authors to produce a screencast presenting their tool. For the papers that will be accepted for presentation, accompanying screencasts will be linked from the demonstration track website. The authors can submit a link to the screencast together with their papers as an alternative to the appendix that describes the way the demonstration will be carried out.
Review and Evaluation Criteria
Each submission will be reviewed by members of the program committee.
The main evaluation criteria include the relevance and quality of the proposed demonstration in terms of technical soundness, originality, relevance for the ESEC/FSE audience, presentation quality, and usability.
Presentation and Publication
Accepted demonstrations will be allocated 4 pages (plus one additional page for references) in the main conference proceedings.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend FSE 2024 in order for the paper to be published in the proceedings.
Demonstrators will be invited to give a formal presentation that will be scheduled as part of the conference program.
Important Dates
All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h).
- Submission deadline: Jan 29, 2024
- Notification to authors: April 15, 2024
- Camera-ready deadline: May 14, 2024
- Conference: July 15 - 19, 2024
Tool Demo Chairs
- Alessandra Gorla, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain
- Bonita Sharif, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
If you have any questions about the suitability of a paper, please contact the co-chairs.
Congratulations to the FSE 2024 Demonstration Track Award Winners!
Distinguished Reviewers — Demo Track
- Tingting Bi
- Gunnar Kudrjavets
- Fabio Petrillo
- Zohreh Sharafi
- Csaba Nagy
- Igor Wiese
- Stefan Winter
Best Paper
Variability-Aware Differencing with DiffDetective by Paul Maximilian Bittner (Paderborn University), Alexander Schultheiß (Paderborn University), Benjamin Moosherr (University of Ulm), Timo Kehrer (University of Bern), and Thomas Thüm (Paderborn University)