Search-based Software Engineering and Quantum Computing


In recent decades, quantum computing (QC) has fascinated scientists, engineers, and the public worldwide. Quantum computers use quantum superposition to perform computations in parallel that are not possible with classical computers, resulting in tremendous computational power. By harnessing this power, QC and quantum software can enhance numerous applications, including quicker drug discovery, and efficient artificial intelligence techniques. QC and search-based software engineering (SBSE) can mutually benefit each other. QC can speed up SBSE, while SBSE can solve many problems in quantum software engineering (QSE). To this end, this keynote will present our recent works on applying (1) classical search algorithms to solve QSE problems, and (2) quantum search and optimization algorithms to solve classical software engineering problems. The keynote will present key results and outline future research directions.

Dr. Shaukat Ali / Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University

Dr. Shaukat Ali


Shaukat Ali is a Chief Research Scientist, Research Professor, and Head of the Department at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway. He also holds an adjunct position at Oslo Metropolitan University. He focuses on devising novel methods for developing cyber-physical systems by applying various advanced techniques, such as artificial intelligence, digital twins, and quantum computing. He has led many national and European projects related to testing, search-based software engineering, model-based system engineering, and quantum software engineering. He regularly serves as a program committee member for software engineering conferences (e.g., ASE, FSE, ICSE-SEIP, ICST) and organizing committees. Additionally, he serves as an associate editor for ACM TOSEM and Springer EMSE journals and is the steering committee chair for ICST and SSBSE.


Keynote speaker- Search-based Software Engineering and Quantum Computing
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09:00 - 10:30
Opening sessionRENE/NIER / Keynote at Acerola
Chair(s): Marcio Barros UNIRIO
Day opening
Opening session
Keynote speaker- Search-based Software Engineering and Quantum Computing
Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University