The Internetware 2025 Tool Demonstration Track provides a unique opportunity to showcase innovative tools and artifacts at a well-established conference in its 16th edition, co-located with FSE 2025. This offers unparalleled visibility and the chance to engage with a diverse, interdisciplinary audience.
The track encourages valuable feedback and discussion, making it ideal for presenting both early prototypes and mature tools. With its broad and forward-looking scope, Internetware is the perfect platform to highlight impactful contributions in the dynamic world of Internet-based software.
We invite submissions presenting:
Early implementations of novel tools.
Mature prototypes with new and innovative features.
Submissions should include open-source code or data, and we encourage live demonstrations to improve the understanding of presented tools. Authors of regular research papers are welcome to submit complementary demonstration papers to extend their contributions further.
Topics of Interest
The Tool Demonstration Track welcomes submissions on a diverse range of research topics, emphasizing innovative tools and techniques aligned with the principles of Internetware. The topics of interest for the Tool Demonstration Track are the same as those of the Research Track.
Join us in Trondheim to shape the future of Internetware!
Call for Papers
The Internetware 2025 Tool Demonstration Track invites researchers and practitioners to present and explore the latest advancements, challenges, and practical experiences in the development of innovative tools, data, and artifacts across a broad range of fields. Submissions should focus on novel early-stage tool prototypes or new aspects of mature tools, ideally including open-sourced code/data and, optionally, live demonstrations. Authors of regular research papers are encouraged to submit complementary demonstration papers to further showcase and extend their contributions.
Formatting and Submission Guidelines
Submissions must not exceed 4 pages, including bibliography.
All submissions must be written in English and submitted in PDF format.
Submissions must use the ACM Sigconf template, available on the ACM Proceedings Template page with the following header: \documentclass[sigconf, review]{acmart} \acmConference[Internetware ’25 - Tool Demonstration Track]{2025 16th International Conference on Internetware, Tool Demonstration Track}{June 20–22, 2025}{Trondheim, Norway}
Papers must be submitted through the Internetware 2025 submission site by the deadlines provided.
The tool demonstration track does not follow a double-blind review process. If submitting a tool demo alongside a double-blind research paper, authors should inform the Tool Demonstration Track Chairs to ensure independent review processes.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 17, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: April 7, 2025
Camera-Ready Submission Deadline: April 20, 2025
Note: All deadlines are in AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12).
Evaluation Criteria
Each submission will be evaluated on the following quality criteria:
Significance: The extent to which the contribution impacts the field of software engineering, including any assumptions made.
Novelty: The originality of the contributions compared to the state-of-the-art.
Presentation: The clarity of the writing, the quality of figures and tables, and adherence to the formatting guidelines.
Verifiability: The extent to which the submission provides sufficient detail to replicate or verify the innovation, including data, analysis, and tool functionality.
Tools and Data Availability
To promote replicability and transparency, submissions must make associated datasets publicly available. Tools should also be open-sourced whenever possible, and distributed under an open-source license. If public availability is not feasible, authors must clearly explain the reasons.
Authors are encouraged to provide their demonstration in an easily accessible format, such as:
Virtual machine images, software containers (e.g., Docker), or system configurations (e.g., Puppet, Ansible).
Screencasts highlighting the tool’s functionality and use. Links to these screencasts can be submitted as an appendix to accompany the paper.
Conference Attendance
If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to register for and attend the full 3-day technical conference and present the paper. The presentation is expected to be delivered in person.
We look forward to your submissions and seeing you at Internetware 2025!