PACMPL Issue OOPSLA 2021 seeks contributions on all aspects of programming languages and software engineering. Authors of papers published in PACMPL Issue OOPSLA 2021 will be invited to present their work in the OOPSLA track of the SPLASH conference in November.
Papers may target any stage of software development, including requirements, modeling, prototyping, design, implementation, generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance, and reuse of software systems. Contributions may include the development of new tools (such as language front-ends, program analyses, and runtime systems), new techniques (such as methodologies, design processes, and code organization approaches), new principles (such as formalisms, proofs, models, and paradigms), and new evaluations (such as experiments, corpora analyses, user studies, and surveys).
Wed 20 OctDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
07:40 - 09:00 | |||
07:40 15mTalk | Making Pointer Analysis More Precise by Unleashing the Power of Selective Context SensitivityVirtual OOPSLA Tian Tan Nanjing University, Yue Li Nanjing University, Xiaoxing Ma Nanjing University, Chang Xu Nanjing University, Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens DOI | ||
07:55 15mTalk | Compacting Points-To Sets through Object ClusteringVirtual OOPSLA Mohamad Barbar University of Technology Sydney; CSIRO’s Data61, Yulei Sui University of New South Wales, Sydney DOI | ||
08:10 15mTalk | Program Analysis via Efficient Symbolic AbstractionVirtual OOPSLA Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Ant Group, Qingkai Shi Ant Group, Heqing Huang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology DOI | ||
08:25 15mTalk | JavaDL: Automatically Incrementalizing Java Bug Pattern DetectionVirtual OOPSLA Alexandru Dura Lund University, Christoph Reichenbach Lund University, Emma Söderberg Lund University DOI | ||
08:40 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
07:40 - 09:00 | |||
07:40 15mTalk | The Semantics of Shared Memory in Intel CPU/FPGA SystemsVirtual OOPSLA Dan Iorga Imperial College London, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London, Tyler Sorensen University of California at Santa Cruz, John Wickerson Imperial College London DOI | ||
07:55 15mTalk | SecRSL: Security Separation Logic for C11 Release-Acquire ConcurrencyVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
08:10 15mTalk | The Reads-From Equivalence for the TSO and PSO Memory ModelsVirtual OOPSLA Truc Lam Bui Comenius University Bratislava, Krishnendu Chatterjee IST Austria, Tushar Gautam IIT Bombay, Andreas Pavlogiannis Aarhus University, Viktor Toman IST Austria DOI | ||
08:25 15mTalk | Making Weak Memory Models Fair OOPSLA Ori Lahav Tel Aviv University, Egor Namakonov St. Petersburg University; JetBrains Research, Jonas Oberhauser Huawei, Anton Podkopaev HSE University; JetBrains Research, Viktor Vafeiadis MPI-SWS DOI | ||
08:40 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
09:00 - 09:20 | |||
09:00 20mDay opening | Opening SessionIn-Person Opening Hridesh Rajan Iowa State University |
09:00 - 09:01 | |||
09:00 1mDay opening | SPLASH Conference at Chicago Starts NowIn-Person Opening |
09:20 - 10:20 | |||
09:20 60mKeynote | Exascale and then what?: HPC and AI for Scientific DiscoveryKeynote Keynotes |
10:50 - 12:10 | |||
10:50 15mTalk | Compiling with Continuations, CorrectlyVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
11:05 15mTalk | Synbit: Synthesizing Bidirectional Programs using Unidirectional SketchesVirtual OOPSLA Masaomi Yamaguchi Tohoku University, Kazutaka Matsuda Tohoku University, Cristina David University of Bristol, Meng Wang University of Bristol DOI | ||
11:20 15mTalk | Reachability Types: Tracking Aliasing and Separation in Higher-Order Functional ProgramsVirtual OOPSLA Yuyan Bao University of Waterloo, Guannan Wei Purdue University, Oliver Bračevac Purdue University, Yuxuan Jiang Purdue University, Qiyang He Purdue University, Tiark Rompf Purdue University DOI | ||
11:35 15mTalk | Efficient Compilation of Algebraic Effect HandlersVirtual OOPSLA Georgios Karachalias Tweag, Filip Koprivec University of Ljubljana; Institute of Mathematics, Matija Pretnar University of Ljubljana; Institute of Mathematics, Tom Schrijvers KU Leuven DOI | ||
11:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | |||
13:50 15mTalk | Translating C to Safer RustVirtual OOPSLA Mehmet Emre University of California at Santa Barbara, Ryan Schroeder University of California at Santa Barbara, Kyle Dewey California State University at Northridge, Ben Hardekopf University of California at Santa Barbara DOI | ||
14:05 15mTalk | Modular Specification and Verification of Closures in RustVirtual OOPSLA Fabian Wolff , Aurel Bílý ETH Zurich, Christoph Matheja ETH Zurich, Peter Müller ETH Zurich, Alexander J. Summers University of British Columbia DOI | ||
14:20 15mTalk | Safer at Any Speed: Automatic Context-Aware Safety Enhancement for RustVirtual OOPSLA Natalie Popescu Princeton University, Ziyang Xu Princeton University, Sotiris Apostolakis Google, David I. August Princeton University, Amit Levy Princeton University DOI | ||
14:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
15:40 - 17:00 | |||
15:40 15mTalk | Making Pointer Analysis More Precise by Unleashing the Power of Selective Context SensitivityVirtual OOPSLA Tian Tan Nanjing University, Yue Li Nanjing University, Xiaoxing Ma Nanjing University, Chang Xu Nanjing University, Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens DOI | ||
15:55 15mTalk | Compacting Points-To Sets through Object ClusteringVirtual OOPSLA Mohamad Barbar University of Technology Sydney; CSIRO’s Data61, Yulei Sui University of New South Wales, Sydney DOI | ||
16:10 15mTalk | Program Analysis via Efficient Symbolic AbstractionVirtual OOPSLA Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Ant Group, Qingkai Shi Ant Group, Heqing Huang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology DOI | ||
16:25 15mTalk | JavaDL: Automatically Incrementalizing Java Bug Pattern DetectionVirtual OOPSLA Alexandru Dura Lund University, Christoph Reichenbach Lund University, Emma Söderberg Lund University DOI | ||
16:40 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
15:40 - 17:00 | |||
15:40 15mTalk | The Semantics of Shared Memory in Intel CPU/FPGA SystemsVirtual OOPSLA Dan Iorga Imperial College London, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London, Tyler Sorensen University of California at Santa Cruz, John Wickerson Imperial College London DOI | ||
15:55 15mTalk | SecRSL: Security Separation Logic for C11 Release-Acquire ConcurrencyVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
16:10 15mTalk | The Reads-From Equivalence for the TSO and PSO Memory ModelsVirtual OOPSLA Truc Lam Bui Comenius University Bratislava, Krishnendu Chatterjee IST Austria, Tushar Gautam IIT Bombay, Andreas Pavlogiannis Aarhus University, Viktor Toman IST Austria DOI | ||
16:25 15mTalk | Making Weak Memory Models Fair OOPSLA Ori Lahav Tel Aviv University, Egor Namakonov St. Petersburg University; JetBrains Research, Jonas Oberhauser Huawei, Anton Podkopaev HSE University; JetBrains Research, Viktor Vafeiadis MPI-SWS DOI | ||
16:40 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
17:00 - 18:50 | |||
17:00 1h50mOther | ReceptionIn-Person Opening |
17:00 - 17:20 | |||
17:00 20mDay opening | Opening SessionVirtual Mirror Opening Hridesh Rajan Iowa State University |
17:20 - 18:20 | |||
17:20 60mKeynote | Exascale and then what?: HPC and AI for Scientific DiscoveryKeynote Keynotes |
21:50 - 23:10 | |||
21:50 15mTalk | Translating C to Safer RustVirtual OOPSLA Mehmet Emre University of California at Santa Barbara, Ryan Schroeder University of California at Santa Barbara, Kyle Dewey California State University at Northridge, Ben Hardekopf University of California at Santa Barbara DOI | ||
22:05 15mTalk | Modular Specification and Verification of Closures in RustVirtual OOPSLA Fabian Wolff , Aurel Bílý ETH Zurich, Christoph Matheja ETH Zurich, Peter Müller ETH Zurich, Alexander J. Summers University of British Columbia DOI | ||
22:20 15mTalk | Safer at Any Speed: Automatic Context-Aware Safety Enhancement for RustVirtual OOPSLA Natalie Popescu Princeton University, Ziyang Xu Princeton University, Sotiris Apostolakis Google, David I. August Princeton University, Amit Levy Princeton University DOI | ||
22:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
Thu 21 OctDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
07:40 - 09:00 | |||
07:40 15mTalk | Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM CompilersVirtual OOPSLA Stefanos Chaliasos Athens University of Economics and Business, Thodoris Sotiropoulos Athens University of Economics and Business, Georgios-Petros Drosos Athens University of Economics and Business, Charalambos Ioannis Mitropoulos Technical University of Crete, Dimitris Mitropoulos University of Athens, Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business; Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
07:55 15mTalk | How Statically-Typed Functional Programmers Write CodeVirtual OOPSLA Justin Lubin University of California at Berkeley, Sarah E. Chasins University of California at Berkeley DOI | ||
08:10 15mTalk | What We Eval in the Shadows: A Large-Scale Study of Eval in R ProgramsVirtual OOPSLA Aviral Goel Northeastern University, Pierre Donat-Bouillud Czech Technical University, Filip Křikava Czech Technical University, Christoph Kirsch University of Salzburg; Czech Technical University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI | ||
08:25 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
09:20 - 10:20 | |||
09:20 60mTalk | Integrated Scientific Modeling and Lab AutomationKeynote Keynotes |
10:50 - 12:10 | |||
10:50 15mTalk | Gradually Structured DataVirtual OOPSLA Stefan Malewski University of Chile, Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Éric Tanter University of Chile DOI Pre-print | ||
11:05 15mTalk | Solver-Based Gradual Type MigrationVirtual OOPSLA Luna Phipps-Costin University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Carolyn Jane Anderson Wellesley College, Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Arjun Guha Northeastern University DOI Pre-print | ||
11:20 15mTalk | SimTyper: Sound Type Inference for Ruby using Type Equality PredictionVirtual OOPSLA Milod Kazerounian University of Maryland at College Park, Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University, Bonan Min Raytheon BBN Technologies DOI | ||
11:35 15mTalk | Promises Are Made to Be Broken: Migrating R to Strict SemanticsIn-Person OOPSLA Aviral Goel Northeastern University, Jan Ječmen Czech Technical University, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI | ||
11:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
10:50 - 12:10 | |||
10:50 15mTalk | Dynaplex: Analyzing Program Complexity using Dynamically Inferred Recurrence RelationsVirtual OOPSLA Didier Ishimwe University of Nebraska-Lincoln, KimHao Nguyen University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ThanhVu Nguyen George Mason University DOI | ||
11:05 15mTalk | Static Detection of Silent Misconfigurations with Deep Interaction AnalysisIn-Person OOPSLA Jialu Zhang Yale University, Ruzica Piskac Yale University, Ennan Zhai Alibaba Group, Tianyin Xu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
11:20 15mTalk | Data-Driven Abductive Inference of Library SpecificationsIn-Person OOPSLA Zhe Zhou Purdue University, Robert Dickerson Purdue University, Benjamin Delaware Purdue University, Suresh Jagannathan Purdue University DOI | ||
11:35 15mTalk | Synthesizing Contracts Correct Modulo a Test GeneratorIn-Person OOPSLA Angello Astorga University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Shambwaditya Saha Tufts University, Ahmad Dinkins University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Felicia Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, P. Madhusudan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tao Xie Peking University DOI | ||
11:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | |||
13:50 15mTalk | Generalizable Synthesis through UnificationVirtual OOPSLA Ruyi Ji Peking University, Jingtao Xia Peking University, Yingfei Xiong Peking University, Zhenjiang Hu Peking University DOI | ||
14:05 15mTalk | Gauss: Program Synthesis by Reasoning over GraphsVirtual OOPSLA Rohan Bavishi University of California at Berkeley, Caroline Lemieux Microsoft Research, Koushik Sen University of California at Berkeley, Ion Stoica University of California at Berkeley DOI | ||
14:20 15mTalk | APIfix: Output-Oriented Program Synthesis for Combating Breaking Changes in LibrariesVirtual OOPSLA Xiang Gao National University of Singapore, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Gustavo Soares Microsoft, Ridwan Salihin Shariffdeen National University of Singapore, Sumit Gulwani Microsoft, Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore DOI | ||
14:35 15mTalk | LooPy: Interactive Program Synthesis with Control StructuresVirtual OOPSLA Kasra Ferdowsi University of California at San Diego, Shraddha Barke University of California at San Diego, Hila Peleg Technion, Sorin Lerner University of California at San Diego, Nadia Polikarpova University of California at San Diego DOI | ||
14:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | |||
13:50 15mTalk | Coarsening Optimization for Differentiable ProgrammingVirtual OOPSLA Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University; Facebook, Guoqiang Zhang North Carolina State University; Facebook, Irene Dea Facebook, Samantha Andow Facebook, Emilio Arroyo-Fang Facebook, Neal Gafter Facebook, Johann George Facebook, Melissa Grueter Facebook, Erik Meijer Facebook, Olin Grigsby Shivers Facebook, Steffi Stumpos Facebook, Alanna Tempest Facebook, Christy Warden Facebook, Shannon Yang Facebook DOI | ||
14:05 15mTalk | Efficient Automatic Scheduling of Imaging and Vision Pipelines for the GPUVirtual OOPSLA Luke Anderson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Andrew Adams Adobe, Karima Ma Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tzu-Mao Li Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of California at San Diego, Tian Jin Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOI | ||
14:20 15mTalk | Statically Bounded-Memory Delayed Sampling for Probabilistic StreamsIn-Person OOPSLA Eric Atkinson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Guillaume Baudart IBM Research, USA, Louis Mandel IBM Research, Charles Yuan Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Carbin Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOI | ||
14:35 15mTalk | Compilation of Sparse Array Programming ModelsIn-Person OOPSLA Rawn Henry Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Olivia Hsu Stanford University, Rohan Yadav Stanford University, Stephen Chou Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kunle Olukotun Stanford University, Saman Amarasinghe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fredrik Kjolstad Stanford University DOI | ||
14:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | |||
13:50 15mTalk | Study of the Subtyping Machine of Nominal Subtyping with Variance OOPSLA Ori Roth Technion DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
14:05 15mTalk | Label Dependent Lambda Calculus and Gradual TypingVirtual OOPSLA Weili Fu University of Edinburgh, Fabian Krause University of Freiburg, Peter Thiemann University of Freiburg, Germany DOI | ||
14:20 15mTalk | Relational Nullable Types with Boolean UnificationVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
14:35 15mTalk | Type Stability in Julia: Avoiding Performance Pathologies in JIT CompilationIn-Person OOPSLA Artem Pelenitsyn Northeastern University, Julia Belyakova Northeastern University, Benjamin Chung Northeastern University, Ross Tate Cornell University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
14:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
15:40 - 17:00 | Corpus and User StudiesOOPSLA at Zurich D -8h Chair(s): Iulian Neamtiu New Jersey Institute of Technology | ||
15:40 15mTalk | Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM CompilersVirtual OOPSLA Stefanos Chaliasos Athens University of Economics and Business, Thodoris Sotiropoulos Athens University of Economics and Business, Georgios-Petros Drosos Athens University of Economics and Business, Charalambos Ioannis Mitropoulos Technical University of Crete, Dimitris Mitropoulos University of Athens, Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business; Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
15:55 15mTalk | How Statically-Typed Functional Programmers Write CodeVirtual OOPSLA Justin Lubin University of California at Berkeley, Sarah E. Chasins University of California at Berkeley DOI | ||
16:10 15mTalk | What We Eval in the Shadows: A Large-Scale Study of Eval in R ProgramsVirtual OOPSLA Aviral Goel Northeastern University, Pierre Donat-Bouillud Czech Technical University, Filip Křikava Czech Technical University, Christoph Kirsch University of Salzburg; Czech Technical University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI | ||
16:25 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
17:00 - 18:50 | |||
17:00 1h50mOther | ReceptionIn-Person Opening |
17:20 - 18:20 | |||
17:20 60mTalk | Integrated Scientific Modeling and Lab AutomationKeynote Keynotes |
18:50 - 20:10 | |||
18:50 15mTalk | Gradually Structured DataVirtual OOPSLA Stefan Malewski University of Chile, Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Éric Tanter University of Chile DOI Pre-print | ||
19:05 15mTalk | Solver-Based Gradual Type MigrationVirtual OOPSLA Luna Phipps-Costin University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Carolyn Jane Anderson Wellesley College, Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Arjun Guha Northeastern University DOI Pre-print | ||
19:20 15mTalk | SimTyper: Sound Type Inference for Ruby using Type Equality PredictionVirtual OOPSLA Milod Kazerounian University of Maryland at College Park, Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University, Bonan Min Raytheon BBN Technologies DOI | ||
19:35 15mTalk | Promises Are Made to Be Broken: Migrating R to Strict SemanticsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Aviral Goel Northeastern University, Jan Ječmen Czech Technical University, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI | ||
19:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
18:50 - 20:10 | |||
18:50 15mTalk | Dynaplex: Analyzing Program Complexity using Dynamically Inferred Recurrence RelationsVirtual OOPSLA Didier Ishimwe University of Nebraska-Lincoln, KimHao Nguyen University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ThanhVu Nguyen George Mason University DOI | ||
19:05 15mTalk | Static Detection of Silent Misconfigurations with Deep Interaction AnalysisVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Jialu Zhang Yale University, Ruzica Piskac Yale University, Ennan Zhai Alibaba Group, Tianyin Xu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
19:20 15mTalk | Data-Driven Abductive Inference of Library SpecificationsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Zhe Zhou Purdue University, Robert Dickerson Purdue University, Benjamin Delaware Purdue University, Suresh Jagannathan Purdue University DOI | ||
19:35 15mTalk | Synthesizing Contracts Correct Modulo a Test GeneratorVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Angello Astorga University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Shambwaditya Saha Tufts University, Ahmad Dinkins University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Felicia Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, P. Madhusudan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tao Xie Peking University DOI | ||
19:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
21:50 - 23:10 | |||
21:50 15mTalk | Generalizable Synthesis through UnificationVirtual OOPSLA Ruyi Ji Peking University, Jingtao Xia Peking University, Yingfei Xiong Peking University, Zhenjiang Hu Peking University DOI | ||
22:05 15mTalk | Gauss: Program Synthesis by Reasoning over GraphsVirtual OOPSLA Rohan Bavishi University of California at Berkeley, Caroline Lemieux Microsoft Research, Koushik Sen University of California at Berkeley, Ion Stoica University of California at Berkeley DOI | ||
22:20 15mTalk | APIfix: Output-Oriented Program Synthesis for Combating Breaking Changes in LibrariesVirtual OOPSLA Xiang Gao National University of Singapore, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Gustavo Soares Microsoft, Ridwan Salihin Shariffdeen National University of Singapore, Sumit Gulwani Microsoft, Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore DOI | ||
22:35 15mTalk | LooPy: Interactive Program Synthesis with Control StructuresVirtual OOPSLA Kasra Ferdowsi University of California at San Diego, Shraddha Barke University of California at San Diego, Hila Peleg Technion, Sorin Lerner University of California at San Diego, Nadia Polikarpova University of California at San Diego DOI | ||
22:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
21:50 - 23:10 | Implementation of special Paradigms - mirrorOOPSLA at Zurich C Chair(s): Steve Blackburn Australian National University | ||
21:50 15mTalk | Coarsening Optimization for Differentiable ProgrammingVirtual OOPSLA Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University; Facebook, Guoqiang Zhang North Carolina State University; Facebook, Irene Dea Facebook, Samantha Andow Facebook, Emilio Arroyo-Fang Facebook, Neal Gafter Facebook, Johann George Facebook, Melissa Grueter Facebook, Erik Meijer Facebook, Olin Grigsby Shivers Facebook, Steffi Stumpos Facebook, Alanna Tempest Facebook, Christy Warden Facebook, Shannon Yang Facebook DOI | ||
22:05 15mTalk | Efficient Automatic Scheduling of Imaging and Vision Pipelines for the GPUVirtual OOPSLA Luke Anderson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Andrew Adams Adobe, Karima Ma Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tzu-Mao Li Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of California at San Diego, Tian Jin Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOI | ||
22:20 15mTalk | Statically Bounded-Memory Delayed Sampling for Probabilistic StreamsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Eric Atkinson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Guillaume Baudart IBM Research, USA, Louis Mandel IBM Research, Charles Yuan Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Carbin Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOI | ||
22:35 15mTalk | Compilation of Sparse Array Programming ModelsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Rawn Henry Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Olivia Hsu Stanford University, Rohan Yadav Stanford University, Stephen Chou Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kunle Olukotun Stanford University, Saman Amarasinghe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fredrik Kjolstad Stanford University DOI | ||
22:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
21:50 - 23:10 | |||
21:50 15mTalk | Study of the Subtyping Machine of Nominal Subtyping with Variance OOPSLA Ori Roth Technion DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
22:05 15mTalk | Label Dependent Lambda Calculus and Gradual TypingVirtual OOPSLA Weili Fu University of Edinburgh, Fabian Krause University of Freiburg, Peter Thiemann University of Freiburg, Germany DOI | ||
22:20 15mTalk | Relational Nullable Types with Boolean UnificationVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
22:35 15mTalk | Type Stability in Julia: Avoiding Performance Pathologies in JIT CompilationVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Artem Pelenitsyn Northeastern University, Julia Belyakova Northeastern University, Benjamin Chung Northeastern University, Ross Tate Cornell University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
22:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
Fri 22 OctDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
09:00 - 09:05 | |||
09:00 5mOther | Introduction to SPLASH 2022 Opening Alex Potanin Victoria University of Wellington |
09:05 - 09:20 | AwardsAwards at Zurich D +8h Chair(s): Işıl Dillig University of Texas at Austin, Sophia Drossopoulou Facebook and Imperial College London | ||
09:05 15mAwards | SPLASH Awards Awards |
09:20 - 10:20 | Onward! Keynote TalkOnward! Papers at Zurich D +8h Chair(s): Wolfgang De Meuter Vrije Universiteit Brussel | ||
09:20 60mKeynote | Designing Safe Programmed Molecular SystemsVirtualKeynote Onward! Papers |
10:50 - 12:10 | |||
10:50 15mTalk | Copy-and-Patch Compilation: A Fast Compilation Algorithm for High-Level Languages and Bytecode OOPSLA DOI Pre-print | ||
11:05 15mTalk | VESPA: Static Profiling for Binary OptimizationVirtual OOPSLA Angelica Moreira Federal University of Minas Gerais, Guilherme Ottoni Facebook, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira Federal University of Minas Gerais DOI | ||
11:20 15mTalk | A Derivative-Based Parser Generator for Visibly Pushdown GrammarsIn-Person OOPSLA Xiaodong Jia Pennsylvania State University, Ashish Kumar Pennsylvania State University, Gang (Gary) Tan Pennsylvania State University DOI | ||
11:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
10:50 - 12:10 | |||
10:50 15mTalk | UDF to SQL Translation through Compositional Lazy Inductive SynthesisVirtual OOPSLA Guoqiang Zhang North Carolina State University; Facebook, Yuanchao Xu North Carolina State University, Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University; Facebook, Işıl Dillig University of Texas at Austin DOI | ||
11:05 15mTalk | LXM: Better Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators (and Almost as Fast)Virtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
11:20 15mTalk | FPL: Fast Presburger Arithmetic through TransprecisionIn-Person OOPSLA Arjun Pitchanathan IIIT Hyderabad, Christian Ulmann ETH Zurich, Michel Weber ETH Zurich, Torsten Hoefler ETH Zurich, Tobias Grosser University of Edinburgh DOI | ||
11:35 15mTalk | Verifying Concurrent Multicopy Search StructuresIn-Person OOPSLA Nisarg Patel New York University, Siddharth Krishna Microsoft Research, Dennis Shasha New York University, Thomas Wies New York University DOI | ||
11:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
10:50 - 12:10 | Synthesis of models, tools and programsOOPSLA at Zurich D +8h Chair(s): Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie Mellon University | ||
10:50 15mTalk | Rewrite Rule Inference Using Equality Saturation OOPSLA Chandrakana Nandi Certora, inc., Max Willsey University of Washington, Amy Zhu University of Washington, Yisu Remy Wang University of Washington, Brett Saiki University of Washington, Adam Anderson University of Washington, Adriana Schulz University of Washington, Dan Grossman University of Washington, Zachary Tatlock University of Washington DOI | ||
11:05 15mTalk | Semantic Programming by Example with Pre-trained ModelsVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
11:20 15mTalk | One Down, 699 to Go: or, Synthesising Compositional DesugaringsVirtual OOPSLA Sándor Bartha University of Edinburgh, James Cheney University of Edinburgh; Alan Turing Institute, Vaishak Belle University of Edinburgh; Alan Turing Institute DOI | ||
11:35 15mTalk | Multi-modal Program Inference: A Marriage of Pre-trained Language Models and Component-Based SynthesisIn-Person OOPSLA Kia Rahmani Purdue University, Mohammad Raza Microsoft, Sumit Gulwani Microsoft, Vu Le Microsoft, Daniel Morris Microsoft, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Gustavo Soares Microsoft, Ashish Tiwari Microsoft DOI Pre-print | ||
11:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | |||
13:50 15mTalk | MonkeyDB: Effectively Testing Correctness under Weak Isolation Levels OOPSLA Ranadeep Biswas Informal Systems, Diptanshu Kakwani Microsoft, India, Jyothi Vedurada IIT Hyderabad, Constantin Enea University of Paris / IRIF / CNRS, Akash Lal Microsoft Research DOI | ||
14:05 15mTalk | Formal Verification of High-Level SynthesisVirtual OOPSLA Yann Herklotz Imperial College London, James D. Pollard Imperial College London, Nadesh Ramanathan Imperial College London, John Wickerson Imperial College London DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
14:20 15mTalk | Specifying and Testing GPU Workgroup Progress ModelsIn-Person OOPSLA Tyler Sorensen University of California at Santa Cruz, Lucas Fernan Salvador Princeton University, Harmit Raval Princeton University, Hugues Evrard Google, John Wickerson Imperial College London, Margaret Martonosi Princeton University, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London DOI | ||
14:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
13:50 - 15:10 | Types & VerificationOOPSLA at Zurich D +8h Chair(s): Leonidas Lampropoulos University of Maryland, College Park | ||
13:50 15mTalk | Scalability and Precision by Combining Expressive Type Systems and Deductive VerificationVirtual OOPSLA Florian Lanzinger KIT, Alexander Weigl KIT, Mattias Ulbrich KIT, Werner Dietl University of Waterloo DOI | ||
14:05 15mTalk | A Type System for Extracting Functional Specifications from Memory-Safe Imperative ProgramsVirtual OOPSLA Paul He University of Pennsylvania, Edwin Westbrook Galois, Brent Carmer Galois, Chris Phifer Galois, Valentin Robert Galois, Karl Smeltzer Galois, Andrei Ştefănescu Galois, Aaron Tomb Galois, Adam Wick Galois, Matthew Yacavone Galois, Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania DOI | ||
14:20 15mTalk | Transitioning from Structural to Nominal Code with Efficient Gradual TypingIn-Person OOPSLA DOI | ||
14:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
15:10 - 17:00 | |||
15:10 1h50mDay closing | Ice Cream Social Closing Hridesh Rajan Iowa State University |
17:00 - 17:05 | |||
17:00 5mOther | Introduction to SPLASH 2022 Opening Alex Potanin Victoria University of Wellington |
17:05 - 17:20 | |||
17:05 15mAwards | SPLASH Awards Awards |
17:20 - 18:20 | Onward! Keynote TalkOnward! Papers at Zurich D Chair(s): Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia | ||
17:20 60mKeynote | Designing Safe Programmed Molecular SystemsVirtualKeynote Onward! Papers |
18:50 - 20:10 | |||
18:50 15mTalk | Copy-and-Patch Compilation: A Fast Compilation Algorithm for High-Level Languages and Bytecode OOPSLA DOI Pre-print | ||
19:05 15mTalk | VESPA: Static Profiling for Binary OptimizationVirtual OOPSLA Angelica Moreira Federal University of Minas Gerais, Guilherme Ottoni Facebook, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira Federal University of Minas Gerais DOI | ||
19:20 15mTalk | A Derivative-Based Parser Generator for Visibly Pushdown GrammarsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Xiaodong Jia Pennsylvania State University, Ashish Kumar Pennsylvania State University, Gang (Gary) Tan Pennsylvania State University DOI | ||
19:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
18:50 - 20:10 | Synthesis of models, tools and programs -- mirrorOOPSLA at Zurich D Chair(s): Alex Potanin Victoria University of Wellington | ||
18:50 15mTalk | Rewrite Rule Inference Using Equality Saturation OOPSLA Chandrakana Nandi Certora, inc., Max Willsey University of Washington, Amy Zhu University of Washington, Yisu Remy Wang University of Washington, Brett Saiki University of Washington, Adam Anderson University of Washington, Adriana Schulz University of Washington, Dan Grossman University of Washington, Zachary Tatlock University of Washington DOI | ||
19:05 15mTalk | Semantic Programming by Example with Pre-trained ModelsVirtual OOPSLA DOI | ||
19:20 15mTalk | One Down, 699 to Go: or, Synthesising Compositional DesugaringsVirtual OOPSLA Sándor Bartha University of Edinburgh, James Cheney University of Edinburgh; Alan Turing Institute, Vaishak Belle University of Edinburgh; Alan Turing Institute DOI | ||
19:35 15mTalk | Multi-modal Program Inference: A Marriage of Pre-trained Language Models and Component-Based SynthesisVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Kia Rahmani Purdue University, Mohammad Raza Microsoft, Sumit Gulwani Microsoft, Vu Le Microsoft, Daniel Morris Microsoft, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Gustavo Soares Microsoft, Ashish Tiwari Microsoft DOI Pre-print | ||
19:50 20mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
21:50 - 23:10 | |||
21:50 15mTalk | MonkeyDB: Effectively Testing Correctness under Weak Isolation Levels OOPSLA Ranadeep Biswas Informal Systems, Diptanshu Kakwani Microsoft, India, Jyothi Vedurada IIT Hyderabad, Constantin Enea University of Paris / IRIF / CNRS, Akash Lal Microsoft Research DOI | ||
22:05 15mTalk | Formal Verification of High-Level SynthesisVirtual OOPSLA Yann Herklotz Imperial College London, James D. Pollard Imperial College London, Nadesh Ramanathan Imperial College London, John Wickerson Imperial College London DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
22:20 15mTalk | Specifying and Testing GPU Workgroup Progress ModelsVirtual Mirror OOPSLA Tyler Sorensen University of California at Santa Cruz, Lucas Fernan Salvador Princeton University, Harmit Raval Princeton University, Hugues Evrard Google, John Wickerson Imperial College London, Margaret Martonosi Princeton University, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London DOI | ||
22:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
21:50 - 23:10 | |||
21:50 15mTalk | Scalability and Precision by Combining Expressive Type Systems and Deductive VerificationVirtual OOPSLA Florian Lanzinger KIT, Alexander Weigl KIT, Mattias Ulbrich KIT, Werner Dietl University of Waterloo DOI | ||
22:05 15mTalk | A Type System for Extracting Functional Specifications from Memory-Safe Imperative ProgramsVirtual OOPSLA Paul He University of Pennsylvania, Edwin Westbrook Galois, Brent Carmer Galois, Chris Phifer Galois, Valentin Robert Galois, Karl Smeltzer Galois, Andrei Ştefănescu Galois, Aaron Tomb Galois, Adam Wick Galois, Matthew Yacavone Galois, Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania DOI | ||
22:20 15mTalk | Transitioning from Structural to Nominal Code with Efficient Gradual TypingVirtual Mirror OOPSLA DOI | ||
22:35 35mLive Q&A | Discussion, Questions and Answers OOPSLA |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
Papers appear in an issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL). PACMPL is a Gold Open Access journal, all papers will be freely available to the public. Authors can voluntarily cover the article processing charge ($400), but payment is not required.
Paper Selection Criteria
We consider the following criteria when evaluating papers:
Novelty: The paper presents new ideas and results and places them appropriately within the context established by previous research.
Importance: The paper contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. We also welcome papers that diverge from the dominant trajectory of the field.
Evidence: The paper presents sufficient evidence supporting its claims, such as proofs, implemented systems, experimental results, statistical analyses, case studies, and anecdotes.
Clarity: The paper presents its contributions, methodology and results clearly.
Review Process
Papers will be selected using a two-stage process with double-blind reviewing until a subset of the submissions are conditionally accepted. This FAQ on Double Blind Reviewing address common questions. If after reading the FAQ you are still uncertain on how to prepare your submission for OOPSLA’s double-blind review, please contact the PC chair at oopsla@splashcon.org for guidance.
The first reviewing stage assess papers using the above selection criteria. At the end of that stage a set of papers is conditionally accepted. The entire first reviewing phase is double-blind.
Authors of conditionally accepted papers must make a set of mandatory revisions. The second reviewing phase assesses whether the revisions have been addressed. The expectation is that the revisions can be addressed and that conditionally accepted papers will be accepted in the second phase. The second reviewing phase does not use double blind reviewing.
The second submission must be accompanied by a cover letter mapping each mandatory revision request to specific parts of the paper.
Submission Requirements
For double-blind reviewing papers must adhere to three rules:
- author names and institutions must be omitted, and
- references to authors’ own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”), and
- any supplementary material should be similarly anonymized
The purpose of this process is to help reviewers decide whether to conditionally accept a submission without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult.
Submissions must conform to both the ACM Policies for Authorship and SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy. Authors will be required to sign a license or copyright release.
The official publication date is the date the journal are made available in the ACM Digital Library. The journal issue and associated papers may be published up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference.
Artifact Evaluation
Authors of conditionally accepted papers are encouraged to submit supporting materials for Artifact Evaluation.
Authors should indicate with their initial submission if an artifact exists and describe its nature and limitations.
Further information can be found in the OOPSLA Artifact track
For additional information or answers to questions please write to oopsla@splashcon.org.
Instructions for Authors
Notice: Supplementary materials must be anonymized!
Submission Preparation Instructions
PACMPL (OOPSLA) employs a two-stage, double-blind reviewing process, so papers must be anonymized.
Formatting: Submissions must be in PDF, printable in black and white on US Letter sized paper. All submissions must adhere to the “ACM Small” template available (in both LaTeX and Word formats) from http://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions. LaTeX-specific questions are fielded by the ACM.
Submitted papers may be at most 23 pages in 10 point font, excluding bibliographic references and appendices.
There is no page limit for bibliographic references and appendices. However, reviewers are not obligated to read the appendices.
Submissions do not meet the above requirements will be rejected without review.
Citations: Papers are expected to use author-year citations. Author-year citations may be used as either a noun phrase, such as “The lambda calculus was originally conceived by Church (1932)”, or a parenthetic phase, such as “The lambda calculus (Church 1932) was intended as a foundation for mathematics”. (Either parentheses or square brackets can be used to enclose the citations.) A useful test for correct usage it to make sure that the text still reads correctly when the parenthesized portions of any references are omitted. Take care with prepositions; in the first example above, “by” is more appropriate than “in” because it allows the text to be read correctly as a reference to the author. Sometimes, readability may be improved by putting parenthetic citations at the end of a clause or a sentence, such as “A foundation for mathematics was provided by the lambda calculus (Church 1932)”. In LaTeX, use \citet{Church-1932} for citations as a noun phrase, “Church (1932)”, and \citep{Church-1932} for citations as a parenthetic phrase, “(Church 1932)”; for details, see Sections 2.3–2.5 of the natbib documentation (natbib).
Author Response Period: During the author response period, authors will be able to read reviews and respond to them.
Supplementary Materials: authors may attach anonymous supplementary material to a submission, on the understanding that reviewers may choose not to look at it. The material should be uploaded at submission time, as a single pdf or a tarball, not via a URL. This supplementary material should be anonymized.
Authorship Policies: All submissions are expected to comply with the ACM Policies for Authorship.
Republication Policies: Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as described by SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy. Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
Information for Authors of Accepted Papers
- The page limit for final versions of papers is 27 pages (excluding references) to ensure that authors have space to respond to reviewer comments and mandatory revisions.
- PACMPL is a Gold Open Access journal. Authors may voluntarily cover the article processing charges (currently 400 USD).
- We invite the authors of articles in the OOPSLA issue of Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACM PL) to attend the SPLASH conference and present accepted papers, regardless of nationality. If any author has visa-related difficulties, we will make arrangements to enable remote participation.
- The official publication date is the date the papers are made available in the ACM Digital Library. The journal issue and associated papers may be published up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Double Blind FAQ
The following content is based on Mike Hicks’s guidelines with input from Frank Tip, Keshav Pingali, Richard Jones, John Boyland, Yannis Smaragdakis and Jonathan Aldrich.
Q: Why double-blind reviewing?
A: Studies have shown that a reviewer’s attitude toward a submission may be affected, even unconsciously, by the identity of the authors. We want reviewers to be able to approach each submission without any such, possibly involuntary, pre-judgment. For this reason, we ask that authors to omit their names from their submissions, and that they avoid revealing their identity through citation. A key principle to keep in mind is that we intend this process to be cooperative, not adversarial. If a reviewer does discover an author’s identity though a subtle clue or oversight the author will not be penalized.
Q: Do you think blinding works?
A: Studies of blinding with the flavor we are using show that author identities remain unknown 53% to 79% of the time. Moreover, about 5-10% of the time, a reviewer is certain of the authors, but then turns out to be at least partially mistaken. Yannis Smaragdakis’s survey of the OOPSLA 2016 PC showed that any given reviewer of a paper guessed at least one author correctly only 26-34% of the time, depending on whether you count a non-response to the survey as failure to guess or failure to answer. So, while sometimes authorship can be guessed correctly, the question is, is imperfect blinding better than no blinding at all? Our conjecture is that on balance the answer is “yes”.
Q: Couldn’t blind submission create an injustice where a paper is inappropriately rejected based upon supposedly-prior work which was actually by the same authors and may not have even been previously published?
A: A submission should always meaningfully compare and contrast its contribution with relevant published prior work, independent of the authorship of that prior work. Reviewers are held accountable for their positions and are required to identify any supposed prior work that they believe undermines the novelty of the paper. Any assertion that “this has been done before” by reviewers should be supported with concrete information. The author response mechanism exists in part to hold reviewers accountable for claims that may be incorrect.
For Authors
Q: What do I have to do?
A: Your job is not to make your identity undiscoverable but simply to make it possible for our reviewers to evaluate your submission without having to know who you are. The main guidelines are simple: omit authors’ names from your title page, and when you cite your own work, refer to it in the third person. For example, if your name is Smith and you have worked on amphibious type systems, instead of saying “We extend our earlier work on statically typed toads (Smith 2004),” you might say “We extend Smith’s (2004) earlier work on statically typed toads.” Also, be sure not to include any acknowledgements that would give away your identity.
Q: How do I provide supplementary material?
A: On the submission site there will be an option to submit supplementary material along with your paper. This supplementary material should be anonymized. Reviewers are under no obligation to look at this material. The submission itself is the object of review and so it should strive to convince the reader of at least the plausibility of reported results. Of course, reviewers are free to change their review upon viewing supplemental material. For those authors who wish to supplement, we encourage them to mention the supplement in the body of the paper. E.g., “The proof of Lemma 1 is included in the anonymous supplemental material submitted with this paper.”
Q: I am building on my work on the XYZ system. Do I rename it for anonymity?
A: No, you must not change the name and you should certainly cite your published past work on it! The relationship between systems and authors changes over time, so there will be at least some doubt about authorship.
Q: Can I submit a paper that extends a workshop paper?
A: Generally yes, but the ideal course of action depends on the degree of similarity and on publication status. On one extreme, if your workshop paper is a publication (i.e., the workshop has published a proceedings, with your paper in it) and your current submission improves on that work, then you should cite the workshop paper as if it were written by someone else. On the other extreme, if your submission is effectively a longer, more complete version of an unpublished workshop paper (e.g., no formal proceedings), then you should include a (preferably anonymous) version of the workshop paper as supplementary material. In general, there is rarely a good reason to anonymize a citation. When in doubt, contact the PC Chair.
Q: Am I allowed to post my paper on my web page, advertise it on mailing lists, send it to colleagues or give talks?
A: Double-blind reviewing should not hinder the usual communication of results. That said, we do ask that you not attempt to deliberately subvert the double-blind reviewing process by announcing the names of the authors of your paper to the potential reviewers of your paper. It is difficult to define exactly what counts as “subversion” here, but a blatant example would include sending individual e-mail to members of the PC about your work. On the other hand, it is fine to visit other institutions and give talks about your work, to present your submitted work during job interviews, to present your work at professional meetings, or to post your work on your web page. PC members will not be asked to recuse themselves from reviewing your paper unless they feel you have gone out of your way to advertise your authorship information to them. If you’re not sure about what constitutes “going out of your way”, please consult directly with the Program Chair.
We recognize that some researchers practice an open research style in which work is shared on mailing lists, arxiv, or social media as it is produced. We think this style of research can coexist with double-blind reviewing if authors follow simple guidelines. You may post to mailing lists, arxiv, social media, or another publicity channel about your work, but do not mention where the paper is submitted and do not use the exact, as-submitted title in the posting.
Q: Does double-blind have an impact on handling conflicts-of interest?
A: No. As an author, you should list PC members (and any others, since others may be asked for outside reviewers) who you believe have a conflict with you.
For Reviewers
Q: What should I do if I if I learn the authors’ identity?
A: If at any point you feel that the authors’ actions are largely aimed at ensuring that potential reviewers know their identity, you should contact the Program Chair. Otherwise you should not treat double-blind reviewing differently from regular blind reviewing. In particular, you should refrain from seeking out information on the authors’ identity, but if you discover it accidentally this will not automatically disqualify you as a reviewer. Use your best judgment.
Q: The authors provided a URL to supplemental material, I worry they will snoop my IP address. What should I do?
A: Contact the Program Chair, who will download the material on your behalf and make it available to you.
Q: Can I seek an outside review?
A: No. PC members should do their own reviews. If doing so is problematic, e.g., you don’t feel qualified, then consider the following options. First, submit a review that is as careful as possible, outlining areas where you think your knowledge is lacking. Assuming we have sufficient expert reviews, that could be the end of it: non-expert reviews are valuable too. Second, the review form provides a mechanism for suggesting additional expert reviewers to the PC Chair, who may contact them if additional expertise is needed.
Editorial Message
The Proceedings of the ACM series presents the highest-quality research conducted in diverse areas of computer science, as represented by the ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The ACM Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) focus on research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical studies. The journal operates in close collaboration with the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) and is committed to making high-quality peer-reviewed scientific research in programming languages free of restrictions on both access and use.
This issue of the PACMPL journal publishes 71 articles that were submitted in response to a call for papers seeking contributions on all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems, and environments.
The articles were selected by means of a rigorous reviewing process from 205 submissions that were submitted by the April 2021 deadline for this issue. A Review Committee consisting of 45 members, performed most of the hard work of evaluating these submissions. This work was supplemented by an Extended Review Committee of 52 members, by 13 External Experts, and 34 Sub-reviewers. The Review Committee and the Extended Review Committee are experts from the global research community, and they were all invited by me. The External Experts were invited on an ad-hoc basis to provide their expertise on particular papers. The Sub-reviewers were invited by the members of the Review Committee or the Extended Review Committee.
After paper allocation, the reviewers declared their estimated confidence for each allocated paper, and suggested external experts in case of low confidence. This allowed us to identify any missing expertise and invite external reviewers early on. The reviewing process then consisted of two stages: In the first stage, each paper received at least 3 detailed reviews (some as many as 6), and was discussed separately. The authors then responded to the reviews. After that, the reviewers discussed the papers again, in the light of the authors’ responses. At the end of this stage, we accepted a number of papers conditionally on successful completion of a specified set of improvements. In the second stage, the authors of the conditionally accepted papers submitted a second version together with a description of how they had addressed the mandatory improvements. The reviewers then discussed in how far the required criteria had been met. In the end, we accepted 71 papers. A subcommittee then selected the Distinguished Papers.
Papers authored by members of the Review Committee were judged primarily by the Extended Review Committee. The first stage was double-blind, while the second phase was not. On papers where I was conflicted, James Noble, or David Grove, or Manu Shridaran administered the discussion and lead the decision process; David Grove also administered the discussions of papers nominated for Distinction on which I had a conflict. All deliberations were conducted virtually. I am grateful to SIGPLAN for granting permission not to have a physical meeting – this permission was sought long before the pandemic, and was motivated by environmental concerns.
I am excited by the compelling and thought-provoking work that resulted in this PACMPL issue. To provoke further discussion and dissemination, the authors were invited to also present their work to the programming languages community at the next Conference conference. I hope that you will also join us in October in Chicago, or virtually, for SPLASH 2021. The conference will be the first major Programming Languages conference to be conducted in a hybrid mode, i.e., in-person as well as online, and will provide many opportunities to share ideas with programming language researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world.
It was an honour and a privilege to serve as Associate Editor for this issue of PACMPL, and I would like to thank the many people who contributed to make this a success.
First, and foremost, I would like to thank all the authors for trusting us, the reviewers, to give good feedback to the results of their hard work.
Second, I would like to thank the reviewers for their hard work. They have provided very useful feedback to the authors, helping them to improve their work. The high quality of the articles in this issue is also the result of their work. The Review Committee consisted of: Erika Abraham, Karim Ali, Davide Ancona, Gavin Bierman, Steve Blackburn, Michael Bond, Michael Carbin, Sarah Chasins, Mike Dodds, Colin Gordon, Justin Gottschlich, Michael Greenberg, Arjun Guha, Michael Hicks, Marieke Huisman, Atsushi Igarashi, Daniel Jackson, Jeehoon Kang, Viktor Kunčak, Doug Lea, Mohsen Lesani, Cristina Lopes, Mira Mezini, Todd Millstein, Sasa Misailovic, Andrew Myers, Iulian Neamtiu, James Noble, Hakjoo Oh, Nadia Polikarpova, Gregor Richards, Aritra Sengupta, Yannis Smaragdakis, Gustavo Soares, Diomidis Spinellis, Alexander J. Summers, Frank Tip, Laurence Tratt, Viktor Vafeiadis, Jan Vitek, Mitchell Wand, Weihang Wang, Adam Welc, John Wickerson, and Yunhui Zheng. The External Review Committee consisted of: Sara Achour, Jonathan Aldrich, Nada Amin, Julia Belyakova, Judith Bishop, Hans-J. Boehm, James Bornholt, Sebastian Burckhardt, Satish Chandra, Benjamin Chung, Cristina Cifuentes, Ryan Culpepper, Christos Dimoulas, Julian Dolby, Alastair Donaldson, Robert Dyer, Stephen Fink, Juliana Franco, Anitha Gollamudi, Dan Grossman, Philipp Haller, Robert Hirschfeld, Je Huang, Christian Humer, Sarfraz Khurshid, Marios Kogias, Eric Koskinen, Lindsey Kuper, Patrick Lam, Magnus Madsen, Ryan Marcus, Ana Milanova, Stefan K Muller, Toby Murray, Sarah Nadi, Bruno Oliveira, Jens Palsberg, Erez Petrank, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alex Potanin, Michael Pradel, Dimitri Racordon, Marianna Rapoport, Thomas Reps, Márcio Ribeiro, Adrian Sampson, Joshua Sunshine, Olivier Tardieu, Emma Tosch, David Walker, Tobias Wrigstad, and Xinagyu Zhang. The External Experts were: Albert Cohen, Isil Dillig, Andrew Kennedy, Fredrik Kjolstad, Boris Köpf, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Giuliano Losa, Kedar Namjoshi, Sreepathi Pai, Peter Sewell, Sam Staton, Daniel Wong, and Dangfeng Zhang. The following Ph.D. students, UG students, and reviewers’ collaborators have acted as sub-reviewers helping the main reviewers complete their reviews: Lukas Armborst, Vytautas Astrauskas, Shraddha Barke, Lars Baumgärtner, Ethan Cecchetti, Eric Che, Jaemin Choi , Michael Coblenz, Francesco Dagnino, Kasra Ferdowsifard, Akalanka Galappaththi, Zheng Guo, Sankha Guria, Julian Haas, Sungsoo Han , Dominik Helm, Yann Herklotz, Kesha Hietala, Jaemin Hong , Farzin Houshmand, Yongjian Hu, Mohayeminul Islam, Michael B. James, Seungmin Jeon , Jaehwang Jung , Sven Keidel, Vasileios Klimis , Tristan Knoth, David Kretzler, Sophie Lathouwers, Xiao Li, Christoph Matheja, Matthew Milano, Ragnar Mogk, Raúl Monti, Tomoki Nakamaru, Krishna Narasimhan, Nimo Ni, Rolph Recto, David Richter, Tobias Roth, Guido Salvaneschi, and Drew Zagieeboyo. The Artifact Evaluation Committee, chaired by Colin Gordon, Ana Milanova, and Anders Møller, consisted of the following members: Eman Abdullah Alomar, Eric Atkinson, Shraddha Barke, Sidi Mohamed Beillahi, Sumon Biswas, Stefanos Chaliasos, Michele Chiari, Karine Even-Mendoza, Dietrich Geisler, Luca Grazia, Dongjie He, Pinjia He, Xiaowen Hu, Kangjing Huang, Aftab Hussain, Jae-Won Jang, Ifaz Kabir, Eduard Kamburjan, Ritu Kapur, Keyur Keyur Joshi, Jacob Laurel, Ton Chanh Le, Kristóf Marussy, Felipe R. Monteiro, Bernard Nongpoh, Vesna Nowack, Rangeet Pan, Anthony Peruma, Jyoti Prakash, Dimitri Racordon, Moiz Rauf, Alex Renda, Robert Sison, Thodoris Sotiropoulos, Yueming Wu, Cambridge Yang, Weixin Zhang. Based on authors’ and other reviewers’ responses to reviews, timeliness, and internal discussions, I consider the following as Outstanding Reviewers: Mike Dodds, Colin Gordon, Michael Hicks, Todd Millstein, Andrew Myers, Nadia Polikarpova, Alexander J. Summers, John Wickerson. The members of the Distinguished Papers Committee were: Shigeru Chiba, David Grove, Atsushi Igarashi, Doug Lea, Jens Palsberg, Nadia Polikarpova, Diomidis Spinellis, Laurence Tratt, and Adam Welc. Special thanks to David Grove, Manu Sridharan, Eelco Visser, and most warmly to Jan Vitek, for their ready support and advice whenever I was in doubt.
Third, I would like to thank the 2021 conference and its General Chair, Hridesh Rajan, for providing the authors of this issue the opportunity to present their work, and for his and his committee’s extraordinarily hard work on creating this unprecedented hybrid conference.
Finally, I would like to thank the PACMPL Editorial Board and its Editor-in-Chief Philip Wadler for their advice, and I would like to thank SIGPLAN and its Executive Committee chaired by Je Foster for supporting the gold open-access publication of the articles in PACMPL and for organizing a thriving programming language community that produces high quality research as exemplified in this issue.
– Sophia Drossopoulou, Associate Editor, Facebook and Imperial College London, United Kingdom