CPP 2016
Mon 18 - Tue 19 January 2016 St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
co-located with POPL 2016

POPL’16 will be held at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel.

Booking a Room

The room block reserved in the POPL Hilton has sold out. A block of rooms at Hotel Indigo, which is walking distance from the POPL Hilton has been reserved. However, the hotel has sold out on some nights. You can call the hotel directly to ask about their available nights at 727-822-4814 and let the front desk know you are with the POPL 2016 Overflow group. The group code is POP. If you run into any complications with booking, email POPL organizers at accomodationpopl2016@gmail.com.

Looking to share a room? Then complete the following form:


Here is a list of some must-see in St Petersburg, that are all in close proximity of the hotel:


333 1ST ST S
St. Petersburg
Florida, United States