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VPT 2019
Mon 1 - Thu 4 April 2019 Genoa, Italy
co-located with ‹Programming› 2019

Ground floor entrance: piazza della Meridiana, 3; elevators available

Second floor entrance through the yard: salita di S. Francesco, 6; staircase access, no elevators available

The banquet will be hosted in Palazzo Gerolamo Grimaldi, better known as Palazzo della Meridiana, at a walking distance from the conference venue. The palace is part of Palazzi dei Rolli included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and hosts the temporary exhibition Caravaggio e i Genovesi (not included in the banquet ticket); see more information (in Italian) about the venue on the official site and twitter.

The dinner will be served by Capurro Ricevimenti, one of the most prestigious caterers in Genova.


piazza della Meridiana, 3
Visit website