OSS 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019

The ICSE Montréal CityLine, designed by Loogart, illustrates some of the most popular landmarks and elements in Montréal. Starting from the left, you see the Fleuve Saint-Laurent and the roller coasters of La Ronde; the Farine Five Roses flour mill at the Old Port of Montréal; the Saint-Joseph Oratory; the buildings in the downtown core; an awning representing the restaurant scene; the Tower at the Olympic Stadium (the tallest inclined tower in the world); the Metro system; the famous Gibeau Orange Julep restaurant, shaped like an orange; the tower at Université de Montréal; the famed Mount-Royal, which is believed to be the origin of the city’s name; the Biosphere museum built as part of the Expo 67 World Fair; and the STM buses. The style is bold and simple: think lines married to circular anchors that make the overall design feel connected from one end to the other. You can see more of Loogart’s artwork at Loogart.com.