OSS 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019

The ICSE 2019 Industry Program provides an opportunity for ICSE attendees to share their CV/Resume with the various companies that are sponsoring ICSE. Attendees will register through a Google form, select the companies that interest them, and upload their CV or their LinkedIn profile. Prior to the conference, the ICSE Industry Program committee will forward the CVs to the companies that are selected by the attendees. Companies can then choose to hold interviews with selected applicants during the conference (or at another mutually acceptable location and time).

To participate in this job match, please fill out the application form and upload your CV using this Google Form: https://goo.gl/8WeciY. We will send you an email to update your preferences when new participating companies are added to the list.

If you cannot access the form, please send us your name, email, and CV (or LinkedIn profile). We will enter your information into the form and send you a list of participating companies via email.

If you wish to withdraw your resume or update your uploaded CV, please contact the ICSE Industry Program committee at patanamon.thongtanunam@unimelb.edu.au.