SCAM 2025
Sun 7 - Fri 12 September 2025 Auckland, New Zealand
co-located with ICSME 2025

ICSME 2025 is happy to announce that travel awards for US-based students are available for students interested in attending ICSME 2025 in Auckland, New Zealand.

NSF logo

The awards are sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA. Students who receive such a travel award will be partially reimbursed for allowable expenses related to their travel and attendance to ICSME 2025 after they attend the conference, given that they can provide receipts as per the requirements stated below. Funds from this grant may not be used to cover expenses already being paid for from other funding sources, such as an employer, another Federal grant, or a third party.

Eligibility Criteria

All students (graduate or undergraduate) enrolled at US-based universities and institutions are eligible to apply; however, priority will be given to students presenting or co-authoring papers at ICSME 2025. All students, including non-U.S. citizens, are eligible to apply, though priority will be given to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. We also particularly encourage students from underrepresented groups to apply, such as women, and minorities.

Allowable Expenses

  1. Economy round-trip airfare between the individual’s home or institution and ICSME 2025.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with the Fly America Act, any air transportation to, from, between, or within a country other than the US must be performed by or under a code-sharing arrangement with a US-flag air carrier if service provided by such a carrier is available. Tickets (or documentation for electronic tickets) must identify the US-flag air carrier’s designator code and flight number. Some rare exceptions are allowed under special agreements between the US and other countries and regions, such as the European Union. However, such exceptions need to be allowable under those regulations, they are strongly discouraged, need to have a good motivation, and need to be pre-approved by the Student Travel Chair (see contact below) before booking the flight. Not abiding by these rules can lead to no reimbursement being issued for the air travel.
  2. Conference registration fee for ICSME 2025. Registration fees for other co-located events are not allowable under this award.

Itemized receipts, showing the name of the award recipient and their form of payment are required for each type of expense in order to get reimbursed. Credit card statements are not a substitute for receipts, though they may accompany the receipts as a proof of payment.


At the end of the conference, the students who have been selected to receive travel supplements from this NSF grant are requested to provide a one-page report on their research experiences and impressions of ICSME 2025. The reimbursement will be sent to the student upon the receipt of a one-page experience report.

Important Dates

  • Application Submission: July 14th, 2025 (AoE)
  • Notification: July 28th, 2025 (AoE)


To apply, you will need to:

  1. Complete an Application Form ( detailing your requested expenses, any papers you co-authored or are planning to present at ICSME-24, and some personal information.
  2. Send your CV by email to vendomcg at miamioh dot edu, with the subject: “ICSME-25 NSF Student Travel Application - <your name>”.
  3. Your advisor will need to send us a brief recommendation letter for you. Once you submit the application form, we will send instructions for uploading the letter to your advisor’s email address (as provided by you in the form). Alternatively, your advisor can also send the letter to vendomcg at miamioh dot edu, with the subject: “ICSME-25 NSF Student Travel Application - - Support Letter” from their university email address. The latter is especially recommended if submitting close to the deadline.

Important: All materials (the application form, your CV, and the recommendation letter) need to be submitted by July 14th, 2025 (AoE) for your application to be complete. Partial applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered, so please plan accordingly.


Christopher Vendome, Miami University, USA (vendomcg at miamioh dot edu)