FormaliSE 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Sun 14 May 2023 15:45 - 16:15 at Meeting Room 102 - Testing Chair(s): Cristian Cadar

The detection of faults in software systems can be effectively enhanced by model-based mutation testing. The efficiency of this technique is hindered when mutants are equivalent to the original system model, making them not useful.

Model-based mutation testing applied to real-time systems modelled as timed games has been recently investigated, providing guidelines for statically avoiding equivalent mutants.

In this paper, we recast this problem to the framework of parametric timed games. We prove a correspondence between theoretical results for detecting equivalent mutants in timed games and the property of monotonicity holding on a sub-class of parametric timed games called L/U parametric timed games. The presented results simplify the theory on the detection of equivalent mutants in timed games whilst improving the expressiveness of a known decidable fragment of parametric timed games for which monotonicity holds.

Sun 14 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

15:45 - 17:15
TestingFormaliSE 2023 at Meeting Room 102
Chair(s): Cristian Cadar Imperial College London, UK
Mutant Equivalence as Monotonicity in Parametric Timed Games
FormaliSE 2023
Davide Basile Formal Methods and Tools lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, Maurice ter Beek ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, Hendrik Göttmann Technical University of Darmstadt, Malte Lochau University of Siegen
Differential Testing of a Verification Framework for Compiler Optimizations (Case Study)
FormaliSE 2023
Mark Utting The University of Queensland, Brae J. Webb The University of Queensland, Ian J. Hayes The University of Queensland
Formalizing Symbolic Execution Path Explosion for Recursive Functions via Asymptotic Path Complexity
FormaliSE 2023
Eli Pregerson Harvey Mudd College, Shaheen Cullen-Baratloo Harvey Mudd College, David Chen Harvey Mudd College, Duy Lam Harvey Mudd College, Max Szostak Harvey Mudd College, Lucas Bang Harvey Mudd College