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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022

The software industry has a long-standing and well-earned reputation for failing to deliver high-quality software. Much progress has been achieved from the early days of software development; still, nowadays, even considering the state of the art of the technologies used, the success of software projects is often not guaranteed. Many of the approaches used for developing large, complex software systems are still not able to ensure the correct behavior — and the general quality — of the delivered product, despite the efforts of the (often very qualified and skilled) software engineers involved. This is where formal methods can play a significant role. Indeed, they have been developed to provide the means for greater precision and thoroughness in modeling, reasoning about, validating, and documenting the various aspects of software systems during their development. When carefully applied, formal methods can aid all aspects of software creation: user requirement formulation, design, implementation, verification/testing, and the creation of documentation.

After decades of research though, and despite significant advancement, formal methods are still not widely used in industrial software development. We believe that a closer integration of formal methods in software engineering can help increase the quality of software applications, and at the same time highlight the benefits of formal methods in terms also of the generated return on investment (ROI).

The main objective of the conference is to foster the integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities, to strengthen the — still too weak — links between them, and to stimulate researchers to share ideas, techniques, and results, with the ultimate goal to propose novel solutions to the fraught problem of improving the quality of software systems.

Originally a successful satellite workshop of ICSE, since 2018 FormaliSE is organized as a conference co-located with ICSE. The 10th edition of FormaliSE will also be held co-located with ICSE 2022.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • approaches and tools for verification and validation;
  • application of formal methods to specific domains, e.g., autonomous, cyber-physical, intelligent, and IoT systems;
  • scalability of formal methods applications;
  • integration of formal methods within the software development lifecycle (e.g., change management, continuous integration and deployment);
  • requirements formalization and formal specification;
  • model-based software engineering approaches;
  • performance analysis based on formal approaches;
  • formal methods in a certification context;
  • formal approaches for safety and security-related issues;
  • usability of formal methods;
  • guidelines to use formal methods in practice;
  • case studies developed/analyzed with formal approaches;
  • experience reports on the application of formal methods to real-world problems.
Wed 18 May 2022
Thu 19 May 2022
Sun 22 May 2022
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Wed 18 May

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09:00 - 10:00
Keynote 1FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Ina Schaefer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Formal Methods for Dealing with Traffic Rules in Autonomous Driving
Jana Tumova KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
10:30 - 11:45
Session 1FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Mieke Massink CNR-ISTI Pisa, Italy
Formal Modeling and Verification of Multi-Robot Interactive Scenarios in Service Settings
Livia Lestingi DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Giorgio Romeo , Cristian Sbrolli Politecnico di Milano, Pasquale Scarmozzino , Marcello M. Bersani Politecnico di Milano, Matteo Rossi Politecnico di Milano
Counterexample-Guided Inductive Repair of Reactive Contracts
Soha Hussein University of Minnesota, USA / Ain Shams University, Egypt, Sanjai Rayadurgam University of Minnesota, Stephen McCamant University of Minnesota, USA, Vaibhav Sharma Amazon, Mats Heimdahl University of Minnesota
Formal Specifications Investigated: A Classification and Analysis of Annotations for Deductive Verifiers
Sophie Lathouwers , Marieke Huisman University of Twente
12:00 - 13:30
Session 2FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Livia Lestingi DEIB, Politecnico di Milano
Computing Program Functions
C for Yourself: Comparison of Front-End Techniques for Formal Verification
Levente Bajczi , Zsófia Ádám , Vince Molnár Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Test Suite Generation for Boolean Conditions with Equivalence Class Partitioning
Sylvain Hallé Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Thu 19 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:00 - 10:00
Keynote 2FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Stefania Gnesi Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo"
Digital Twins: An Emerging Paradigm for Model-Centric Engineering
Einar Broch Johnsen University of Oslo
10:30 - 11:45
Session 3FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Reiner Hähnle Technical University of Darmstadt
Generating Counterexamples in the form of Unit Tests from Hoare-style Verification Attempts
Amirfarhad Nilizadeh University of Central Florida, Marlon Calvo , Gary T. Leavens University of Central Florida, David Cok Safer Software Consulting, LLC
Property-Driven Testing of Black-Box Functions
Arnab Sharma University of Paderborn, Vitalik Melnikov , Eyke Hüllermeier , Heike Wehrheim Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg / University of Oldenburg
Counting Bugs in Behavioural Models using Counterexample Analysis
Irman Faqrizal , Gwen Salaün University of Grenoble Alpes
12:00 - 13:30
Session 4FormaliSE at FormaliSE room
Chair(s): Claudio Menghi McMaster University, Canada
Towards Automated Input Generation for Sketching Alloy Models
Ana Jovanovic , Allison Sullivan University of Texas at Arlington
Automating Cryptographic Protocol Language Generation from Structured Specifications
Roberto Metere Newcastle University, Luca Arnaboldi The University of Edinburgh
Automatic Loop Invariant Generation for Data Dependence Analysis
Asmae Heydari Tabar Technical University of Darmstadt, Richard Bubel Technische Universität Darmstadt, Reiner Hähnle Technical University of Darmstadt

Sun 22 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:00 - 10:45
Check-in (with light breakfast)FormaliSE at GHC 6115 (at Carnegie Mellon University)
10:45 - 12:00
Integrating Usability into Language and Type System Design
Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie Mellon University
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 16:00
Towards Automated Input Generation for Sketching Alloy Models
Ana Jovanovic , Allison Sullivan University of Texas at Arlington
Automating Cryptographic Protocol Language Generation from Structured Specifications
Roberto Metere Newcastle University, Luca Arnaboldi The University of Edinburgh
Counterexample-Guided Inductive Repair of Reactive Contracts
Soha Hussein University of Minnesota, USA / Ain Shams University, Egypt, Sanjai Rayadurgam University of Minnesota, Stephen McCamant University of Minnesota, USA, Vaibhav Sharma Amazon, Mats Heimdahl University of Minnesota
Property-Driven Testing of Black-Box Functions
Arnab Sharma University of Paderborn, Vitalik Melnikov , Eyke Hüllermeier , Heike Wehrheim Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg / University of Oldenburg

Accepted Papers

Automatic Loop Invariant Generation for Data Dependence Analysis
Automating Cryptographic Protocol Language Generation from Structured Specifications
C for Yourself: Comparison of Front-End Techniques for Formal Verification
Computing Program Functions
Counterexample-Guided Inductive Repair of Reactive Contracts
Counting Bugs in Behavioural Models using Counterexample Analysis
Formal Modeling and Verification of Multi-Robot Interactive Scenarios in Service Settings
Formal Specifications Investigated: A Classification and Analysis of Annotations for Deductive Verifiers
Generating Counterexamples in the form of Unit Tests from Hoare-style Verification Attempts
Property-Driven Testing of Black-Box Functions
Test Suite Generation for Boolean Conditions with Equivalence Class Partitioning
Towards Automated Input Generation for Sketching Alloy Models

Call for Papers

Deadline Extension

The submission deadline has been extended. The new full paper submission deadline is 27 January 2022. Artifacts are due on 31 January 2022.


The software industry needs tools and methods to deliver high-quality software. Much progress has been achieved from the early days of software development; still, nowadays, even considering the state of the art of the technologies used, the success of software projects is often not guaranteed. Many of the approaches used for developing large, complex software systems are still not able to ensure the correct behavior — and the general quality — of the delivered product, despite the efforts of the (often very qualified and skilled) software engineers involved. This is where formal methods can play a significant role. Indeed, they have been developed to provide the means for greater precision and thoroughness in modeling, reasoning about, validating, and documenting the various aspects of software systems during their development. When carefully applied, formal methods can aid all aspects of software creation: user requirement formulation, design, implementation, verification/testing, and the creation of documentation.

After decades of research though, and despite significant advancement, formal methods are still not widely used in industrial software development. We believe that closer integration of formal methods in software engineering can help increase the quality of software applications, and at the same time highlight the benefits of formal methods in terms also of the generated return on investment (ROI).

The main objective of the conference is to foster the integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities, to strengthen the — still too weak — links between them, and to stimulate researchers to share ideas, techniques, and results, with the ultimate goal to propose novel solutions to the fraught problem of improving the quality of software systems.

Originally a successful satellite workshop of ICSE, since 2018 FormaliSE is organised as a conference co-located with ICSE. FormaliSE 2022 will take place on May 22-23 2022 in Pittsburgh, PA (or online).

Topics of interest

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • approaches, methods and tools for verification and validation;
  • correctness-by-construction approaches for software and systems engineering;
  • application of formal methods to specific domains, e.g., autonomous, cyber-physical, intelligent, and IoT systems;
  • formal methods for AI-based systems (FM4AI), and AI applied in formal method approaches (AI4FM);
  • scalability of formal methods applications;
  • integration of formal methods within the software development lifecycle (e.g., change management, continuous integration and deployment);
  • requirements formalization and formal specification;
  • model-based software engineering approaches;
  • analysis of performance and other non-functional properties based on formal approaches;
  • formal methods in a certification context;
  • formal approaches for safety and security;
  • usability of formal methods;
  • guidelines to use formal methods in practice;
  • case studies developed/analyzed with formal approaches;
  • experience reports on the application of formal methods to real-world problems.

Submission types

We invite you to submit:

  • Full research papers that describe authors’ original research work and results. We encourage authors to include validation with respect to a case study in the recommended themes. We welcome research papers focusing on tools and tool development.
  • Case study papers that identify lessons learned, validate theoretical results (such as scalability of methods), or provide specific motivation for further research and development.
  • Research ideas: FormaliSE encourages the submission of new research ideas in order to stimulate discussions at the conference.

Artifact Evaluation (NEW)

Reproducibility of experimental results is crucial to foster an atmosphere of trustworthy, open, and reusable research. To improve and reward reproducibility, FormaliSE 2022 for the first time includes a dedicated Artifact Evaluation (AE) procedure. An artifact is any additional material (software, data sets, machine-checkable proofs, etc.) that substantiates the claims made in the paper and ideally makes them fully reproducible. Submission of an artifact is optional but encouraged for all papers where it can support the results presented in the paper. Artifacts will be reviewed concurrently with the paper reviewing process, and the results of the evaluation may be taken into consideration for the corresponding paper acceptance decision. Accepted papers with a successfully evaluated artifact will receive a badge to be shown on the published paper’s title page. All papers with an evaluated and publicly archived artifact with a DOI may be allowed one extra page in the camera-ready version to describe the artifact.

Submission guidelines

FormaliSE 2022 will implement the following light-weight double-blind policy: Authors of research papers must omit their names and institutions from the title page, refer to their other work in the third person, and omit acknowledgements that could reveal their identity or affiliation. The purpose is to avoid any bias based on authors’ identity characteristics, such as gender, seniority, or nationality, in the review process. Our goal is to facilitate an unbiased approach to reviewing by supporting reviewers’ access to works that do not carry obvious references to the authors’ identities. As mentioned above, this is a light-weight double-blind process. Anonymization should not be a heavy burden for authors and should not make papers weaker or more difficult to review. Advertising the paper on alternate forums (e.g., via a personal web-page, preprint archive, email, talks, discussions with colleagues) is permitted, and authors will not be penalized for such advertisement.

Full papers are expected to be up to 10 pages long including all text, figures, tables and appendices, but excluding the references. (Shorter papers are acceptable). However, we would like to avoid that the authors waste time fitting their papers into that limit at the expense of presentation clarity: paper lengths slightly exceeding the stated limit will be tolerated provided that the presentation is of high quality, which will be left at the appreciation of the reviewers. Research ideas papers are expected to be 4 pages plus up to 1 additional page of references, with the same guiding principle as for the regular papers above. All submissions must be in English and in PDF format.

All submissions must conform to the ACM formatting guidelines. Formatting instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments. Papers submitted to FormaliSE 2022 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for FormaliSE 2022.

Submissions to FormaliSE 2022 that meet the above requirements can be made via EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=formalise2022.

Artifact submissions are not subject to the double-blind submission requirement since it is in most cases infeasible to properly anonymize an artifact. Note that the paper corresponding to an artifact must still follow the double-blind submissions requirements described above. Artifacts will be handled by a separate Artifact Evaluation Committee, and the Artifact Evaluation process will be set up such that the anonymization of the corresponding papers will not be compromised.

Detailed guidelines for preparation and submission of artifacts will be specified on a dedicated web page reachable via http://www.formalise.org/.

Selection procedure

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Papers will be judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, originality, and contribution to the field.

FormaliSE 2022 will implement a light-weight rebuttal scheme: if all the reviewers of a given submission agree that a clarification from the authors regarding a specific question could move a borderline paper into the acceptable range, the chairs will ask that question to the authors by e-mail and post their reply on EasyChair for the benefit of the reviewers. The goal of such light-weight rebuttals is to eliminate “coin-toss” decisions on borderline papers. Hence, it will clearly concern only a minority of submissions and most of the authors should not expect to receive such questions. However, we would ask the corresponding authors of all submissions to make sure that they are available to answer a question by email if the necessity were to arise.

Artifacts will be assessed with respect to their consistency with the results presented in the paper, their completeness, and their documentation and ease of use. The Artifact Evaluation will include an initial check for technical issues; authors of artifacts may be contacted by e-mail within the first two weeks after artifact submission to help resolve any technical problems that prevent the evaluation of an artifact if necessary.


All accepted publications are published as part of the ICSE 2022 Proceedings in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference — physically or, if the circumstances warrant so, virtually — and present the paper in person. Otherwise, the paper will be removed from the proceedings.

Important dates

  • Abstracts due: -
  • Submissions due: 20 January 2022 - 27 January 2022 (EXTENDED!)
  • Artifacts due: 27 January 2022 - 31 January 2022 (EXTENDED!)
  • Notifications: 04 March 2022 (to be confirmed)
  • Camera ready copies: 18 March 2022 (to be confirmed)
  • FormaliSE conference: 22-23 May 2022


General Chairs

  • Stefania Gnesi (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, Italy)
  • Nico Plat (Thanos, The Netherlands)

Program Chairs

  • Ina Schaefer (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Arnd Hartmanns (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Artifact Evaluation Chair

  • Carlos E. Budde (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy)

Social Media Chair

  • Claudio Menghi (McMaster University, Canada)

Questions? Use the FormaliSE contact form.