APLAS 2024
Tue 22 - Fri 25 October 2024 Kyoto

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Thu 24 Oct 2024 16:30 - 17:00 at Yamauchi Hall - Verification (remote) Chair(s): Jacques Garrigue

Relational logics aim to stablish properties of two expressions by combining synchronous proof rules, which reason about structurally equivalent expressions, with asynchronous proof rules, which only reason about one of the two expressions. As a result, relational logics are not syntax-directed and their algorithmic implementation is challenging. Existing systems rely on subtle heuristics that are typically limited in scope and hard for programmers to predict. To the best of our knowledge, there is no algorithmic type system for relational verification of a mainstream programming language. In this work, we design OBRA an algorithmic, relational, and bidirectional type system that only has synchronous rules to preserve predictability and relies on an external oracle to handle syntactic differences. We formalize OBRA and prove that it is equivalent to Relational Higher-Order Logic (RHOL). We implement OBRA by extending Liquid Haskell with synchronous relational rules and using user-provided unary proofs as the external oracle. Further, OBRA automatically translates relational properties to unary theorems with proof templates that can be manually augmented, debugged, and verified using Liquid Haskell. We evaluate OBRA on 12 benchmarks and out of which 7 were proved automatically and the rest required smaller or equal proofs than the unary case.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Thu 24 Oct

Displayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change

16:00 - 17:00
Verification (remote)Research Papers at Yamauchi Hall
Chair(s): Jacques Garrigue Nagoya University
Efficiently Adapting Stateless Model Checking for C11/C++11 to Mixed-Size Accesses
Research Papers
Shigeyuki Sato The University of Electro-Communications, Taiyo Mizuhashi The University of Tokyo, Genki Kimura The University of Tokyo, Kenjiro Taura The University of Tokyo
OBRA: Oracle-based, relational, algorithmic type verification
Research Papers
Lisa Vasilenko IMDEA Software Institute and HSE University, Gilles Barthe MPI-SP; IMDEA Software Institute, Niki Vazou IMDEA Software Institute