CAIN 2024
Sun 14 - Mon 15 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024

This talk summarizes important experiences we cultivated in several projects where we developed AI methods for industrial customers like chemical production plants or gas fired power plants. One might think that applying leading edge AI methods to large quantities of industrial data will automatically yield valuable results. In our experience there are many “traditional” obstacles that need to be removed, before the magic can happen [2].
For many use cases, data from various sources need to be integrated. For example, time series data stored in industrial Data Historians need to be labeled according to quality data stored in Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). The process data like setpoints and raw material characteristics need to be contextualized using the production data, e.g. production orders, raw material lots, from ERP systems. Although many companies are currently building up enterprise data lakes, the reality in many plants still is that data is locked in separate silos and a real-time data integration requires significant efforts. Building, automating and operating a large industrial plant requires major (traditional) engineering efforts and expertise. Data scientists usually have different backgrounds and often lack knowledge, for example in control systems engineering and process engineering. In addition, many important engineering artifacts like Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID) and process design document are either not up to date or even unavailable at all. However, in order to define relevant use cases and design powerful AI solutions, quite a high level of both traditional engineering and data science know-how is required. This means that traditional plant experts need to closely cooperate with data science experts. In the long run, software tools like ABB BatchInsight will be able to offer easy to use solutions for a broad class of use-cases, so that plant experts can use AI solutions without the need for additional consulting [3]. Many industrial AI methods work with time series data. A larger industrial plant like a refinery can have many tens of thousands different time series. In the best case a consistent hierarchical naming schema is available and for each time series a good description exists. In reality, it can be cumbersome to identify the best set of time series related to the use case at hand [1]. In addition, data quality needs to be ensured. For example, if sensors are not properly calibrated, using this data can destroy AI models. In one of our projects, a sensor was being replaced at a certain point in time and the measured value changed from power to current. For convenience and because of the typical time pressure during daily operation, the new value was stored in the old variable. Our AI methods identified this abrupt change in system behavior, however this finding had no value for the customer. Industrial plants and their subsystems have different operating states that often need to be clearly separated. For example, if a time interval where the plant was in fault condition is accidentally included to train a reference model, the quality of this model will degrade. In summary, various challenges exist in the application of industrial AI solutions. Our talk will provide our learnings in addressing these challenges and will help to ask the following five questions before starting an industrial AI project: • Can we define a use case with sufficient business value? • Are people both with domain expertise and with expertise in AI committed to the project? • Will the communication between domain experts and AI experts be good enough? • Is all required data available for the project in sufficient quantities? • Is the quality of the data sufficient or are additional preparation and cleaning efforts required?

Sun 14 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

11:00 - 12:30
Architecting, Designing, Managing, and Modeling AI-Enabled SystemsIndustry Talks / Research and Experience Papers at Pequeno Auditório
Chair(s): Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes
A Taxonomy of Foundation Model based Systems through the Lens of Software Architecture
Research and Experience Papers
Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Yue Liu CSIRO's Data61 & University of New South Wales, Zhenchang Xing CSIRO's Data61, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Investigating the Impact of Solid Design Principles on Machine Learning Code UnderstandingDistinguished paper AwardDistinguished paper Award Candidate
Research and Experience Papers
Raphael Cabral Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Marcos Kalinowski Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Maria Teresa Baldassarre Department of Computer Science, University of Bari , Hugo Villamizar Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Tatiana Escovedo Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes PUC-Rio
Industry talk
KnowING Intelligent Document Classification: A Deep Dive into Microservices and Efficient Models at ING
Industry Talks
A: Andrew Rutherfoord CWI; University of Groningen, A: Gert Vermeer , Andrea Capiluppi Brunel University
An Exploratory Study of V-Model in Building ML-Enabled Software: A Systems Engineering PerspectiveDistinguished paper Award Candidate
Research and Experience Papers
Jie JW Wu University of British Columbia (UBC)
Industry talk
Engineering Challenges in Industrial AI
Industry Talks
Approach for Argumenting Safety on Basis of an Operational Design Domain
Research and Experience Papers
Gereon Weiss Fraunhofer IKS, Marc Zeller Siemens AG, Hannes Schoenhaar Siemens Corporate Technology, Christian Drabek Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS, Andreas Kreutz Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS
The Impact of Knowledge Distillation on the Performance and Energy Consumption of NLP Models
Research and Experience Papers
Ye Yuan Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Jiacheng Shi Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Zongyao Zhang Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Kaiwei Chen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Eloise Zhang Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Vincenzo Stoico Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam