ICSE is the premier academic conference on Software Engineering and is attended by approximately 2,000 attendees yearly. These include many students and an increasing number of industry practitioners. ICSE attracts the very best emerging research in Software Engineering and provides a multifaceted showcase.
What’s in it for you?
- ICSE attracts the “best of the best” in software engineering
- Networking opportunities
- Industry collaboration
- Be up to date with the latest research and findings
- Opportunity to recruit soon-to-be graduating top software engineering students
Please view the opportunities outlined in the prospectus or contact us to discuss a bespoke opportunity to suit your organization and your budget.
Contact Details:
Auri Vincenzi or José Campos
Sponsorship & Exhibition Manager
Email: auri@ufscar.br or jcmc@fe.up.pt
Phone: + 55 16 98168-4162