ECMFA 2023
Thu 20 - Fri 21 July 2023 Leicester, United Kingdom
co-located with STAF 2023
Thu 20 Jul 2023 16:15 - 16:45 at Oak - ECMFA Session 4: Model Differencing and Merging Chair(s): Jörg Kienzle

Semantic difference analyses support engineers in understanding model-changes on the semantic level and thereby assist change management in Model Driven Development (MDD). A semantic differencing operator for Class Diagrams (CDs) compares two input models based on their legal instances and outputs object structures that are permitted by the first but not the second input-CD. Under the closed-world assumption only instances of explicitly-modeled elements are permitted. This closed-world approach may be less suited for semantic refinement checking in early design phases, where new elements are added to a CD in order to refine it. Instead, an open-world approach can be utilized. In this paper, we outline, evaluate and compare two approaches for extending CDDiff, an existing closed-world semantic differencing operator for CDs, to an open-world operator: The first approach reduces the open-world problem to a bounded search via Alloy. The second approach transforms the input-CDs and reduces the open-world problem to closed-world semantic differencing. It also allows for combining open- and closed-world interpretations of model-elements.

Thu 20 Jul

Displayed time zone: London change

15:45 - 17:15
ECMFA Session 4: Model Differencing and MergingTechnical Track at Oak
Chair(s): Jörg Kienzle McGill University, Canada

Remote Participants: Zoom Link

CDMerge: Semantically Sound Merging of Class Diagrams for Software Component Integration
Technical Track
Achim Lindt RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Software Engineering, Bernhard Rumpe RWTH Aachen University, P: Max Stachon RWTH Aachen University, Sebastian Stüber RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Software Engineering
DOI File Attached
On Implementing Open World Semantic Differencing for Class Diagrams
Technical Track
Jan Oliver Ringert Bauhaus-University Weimar, Bernhard Rumpe RWTH Aachen University, P: Max Stachon RWTH Aachen University
DOI File Attached
Evaluating Model Differencing for the Consistency Preservation of State-based ViewsECMFA Best Paper
Technical Track
Jan Willem Wittler Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, P: Timur Sağlam Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Thomas Kühn Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Link to publication DOI Media Attached File Attached