Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic Update
Current software engineering practices rely on highly heterogeneous and distributed teams working in a collaborative setting. Between 2013-2020, the publication output in the field of collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) has significantly increased. However, the only systematic mapping study available is limited to studies published until 2015. In this paper, we provide an update on that study for the complementing 2016-2020 period, and report the latest results, challenges, and trends. Our analysis led to selecting 29 clusters of 54 new peer-reviewed publications on collaborative MDSE. Based on the novel developments in the field, we have extended and improved the original classification framework, making it applicable to recent and future research contributions on collaborative MDSE. The insights in this paper relate to the changing trends in the field and present new relevant information.
Fri 15 OctDisplayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change
01:00 - 02:00 | |||
01:00 20mFull-paper | Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic UpdateFT Technical Papers Istvan David Université de Montréal, Kousar Aslam , Sogol Faridmoayer , Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Eugene Syriani Université de Montréal, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | ||
01:20 20mFull-paper | Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual RealityFT Technical Papers Enes Yigitbas Paderborn University, Germany, Simon Gorissen , Nils Weidmann , Gregor Engels Paderborn University | ||
01:40 20mTalk | CEViNEdit: improving the process of creating cognitively effective graphical editors with GMFJ1ST Technical Papers Juan Manuel Vara Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, David Granada Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Manuel Núñez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Esperanza Marcos Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |