4th International Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS) Co-located with the 13th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2020), Porto - Portugal.
All information about this workshop can be found at the workshop’s official website: http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/ITEQS/2020/
ITEQS 2020 is held as a virtual workshop via Zoom. Contact iteqs2020@easychair.org for the details.
Sat 24 OctDisplayed time zone: Lisbon change
09:15 - 10:30 | Session IITEQS 2020 at São João Chair(s): Mehrdad Saadatmand RISE Research Institutes of Sweden ITEQS 2020 is held as a virtual workshop via Zoom. Contact iteqs2020@easychair.org for the details. | ||
09:15 15mDay opening | Welcome and opening message ITEQS 2020 | ||
09:30 30mFull-paper | Automatic exploratory performance testing using a discriminator neural network ITEQS 2020 Ivan Porres Åbo Akademi University, Tanwir Ahmad Åbo Akademi University, Hergys Rexha Åbo Akademi University, Sebastien Lafond Åbo Akademi University, Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University Link to publication DOI | ||
10:00 30mFull-paper | Performance Evaluation of Container's Shared Volumes ITEQS 2020 Naylor Garcia University of São Paulo - USP, Paulo Sergio Lopes de Souza University of São Paulo - USP, Sarita M. Bruschi University of São Paulo - USP, Simone do Rocio Senger de Souza University of São Paulo - USP Link to publication DOI |
11:00 - 12:30 | Session IIITEQS 2020 at São João Chair(s): Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University ITEQS 2020 is held as a virtual workshop via Zoom. Contact iteqs2020@easychair.org for the details. | ||
11:00 30mFull-paper | Prioritizing Scenarios based on STAMP/STPA Using Statistical Model Checking ITEQS 2020 Mitsuaki Tsuji Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Toshinori Takai Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Kazuki Kakimoto Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Naoki Ishihama Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Masafumi Katahira Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Hajimu Iida Nara Institute of Science and Technology Link to publication DOI | ||
11:30 30mFull-paper | Generating Tests for the Discovery of Security Flaws in Product Variants ITEQS 2020 Francisco Araújo LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Ibéria Medeiros LaSIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Nuno Neves DI FC UL Link to publication DOI | ||
12:00 30mFull-paper | Test Data Generation for False Data Injection Attack Testing in Air Traffic Surveillance *Best Paper* ITEQS 2020 Aymeric Cretin Femto-ST Institute, Alexandre Vernotte Femto-ST Institute, Antoine Chevrot Femto-ST Institute, Fabien Peureux Institut FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174) and Smartesting S&S, Bruno Legeard FEMTO-ST / DISC Link to publication DOI |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session IIIITEQS 2020 at São João Chair(s): Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University ITEQS 2020 is held as a virtual workshop via Zoom. Contact iteqs2020@easychair.org for the details. | ||
14:00 60mTalk | Security Testing using Artificial Intelligence Methods and Techniques ITEQS 2020 Franz Wotawa Technische Universitaet Graz | ||
15:00 30mFull-paper | Keywords-based test categorization for Extra-Functional Properties ITEQS 2020 Muhammad Abbas Khan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Abdul Rauf RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Mehrdad Saadatmand RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, Daniel Sundmark Mälardalen University Link to publication DOI | ||
15:30 10mDay closing | Best Paper Award & Closing ITEQS 2020 |
Accepted Papers
Call for Submissions
The rapid development towards increased integration of software with the social and physical world that we see today means that quality aspects such as performance, safety, security, and robustness become more important in an increasing number of the systems and devices, which we use and depend on. In this context, the success of a software product may not only depend on the logical correctness of its functions, but also on the system quality characteristics. Such system characteristics, which are referred to and captured as Extra-Functional Properties (EFPs) or Non-Functional Properties, are particularly important in resource constrained systems such as in the domains of real-time embedded and cyber-physical systems. Therefore, such systems need to be tested with a special attention to the EFPs. Testing EFPs is challenging and often requires different approaches compared to testing normal functionality. ITEQS provides a focused forum with the goal of bringing together researchers and practitioners to share ideas, identify challenges, propose solutions and techniques, and in general expand the state of the art in testing EFPs and quality characteristics of software systems and services. The workshop endorses contributions in a wide range of topics related to testing of EFPs in the form of full papers and short yet solid work-in-progress/position papers.
Note: The workshop does not accept papers that focus purely on functional testing!
- Model-based testing of EFPs; e.g., choice of modeling languages to capture EFPs and their role on testability, model-based test case generation, etc.
- Performance, Robustness, and Security Testing
- Mutation-based testing for EFPs; e.g., application of mutation techniques for testing of EFPs particularly introduction of EFP-specific mutation operators
- Testing of AI and Machine Learning based systems with respect to quality attributes; e.g., such as safety, security, and ethical concerns
- Testing quality in software product lines and variant-intensive system
- Testing quality characteristics of distributed, mobile, and cloud applications
- Search-based testing techniques for EFPs
- Testability, observability, controllability and the role of the platform; e.g., how the choice of operating system can impact testability of EFPs, for instance, a real-time operating system, introducing testability mechanisms into a platform, designing - middlewares for testing of EFPs
- Empirical studies and experience reports; e.g., on the importance of testing EFPs, evaluation of testing methods, case-study and reports on project failures due to EFPs, comparison of methods and techniques
- Quality assurance, standards, and their impact on testing EFPs
- Requirements and testing EFPs; e.g., identification and generation of test oracles for EFPs from requirements, requirements for testability, traceability
- Coverage criteria in testing EFPs
- Processes and their role in testing EFPs; e.g., agile and TDD
- Fault localization for EFPs and debugging
- Formal methods, model-checking, and reasoning about EFPs
- Parallelism, Concurrency, and Testing of multicore applications
- Testing real-time, embedded, and cyber-physical systems, and their challenges
Submission Guidelines
Paper format:
- full papers 6-10 pages
- solid work-in-progress and position papers 4 pages; in IEEE double column format.
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iteqs2020. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Digital Library.
Zoom link and participation
ITEQS 2020 is held as a virtual workshop via Zoom. Contact iteqs2020@easychair.org for the details.