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SEH 2021
Thu 3 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021

Healthcare systems in many countries are leveraging emerging technologies (e.g., cloud computing, big data, mobile apps, data science, biosensors, and wearable devices) and modern software engineering approaches to ensure continuous quality improvement in the presence of rapid change and increasing challenges. Software-intensive systems are seen as a key enabler for healthcare system reform in many jurisdictions with major investments and incentives to propel this transformation. At the same time, interoperability barriers continue to impede the composition of emergent healthcare systems, where different types of healthcare providers from different organizations need to coordinate efforts to deliver complex care. In this scenario, a community involving researchers and practitioners of software engineering for healthcare has emerged and shall continue to grow and mature, addressing diverse themes and their intersections.

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Thu 3 Jun

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13:00 - 13:30
Opening SessionSEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Elena Navarro University of Castilla-La Mancha, Jens Weber University of Victoria
Day opening
Opening Session
SEH 2021

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15:30 - 16:40
Paper Session 2 - Security and SafetySEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Lina Garcés UNIFEI - Federal University of Itajubá
Provenance-based Trust Model for Assessing Data Quality during Clinical Decision Making
SEH 2021
Dr. Jean-Philippe Stoldt University of Victoria, Jens Weber University of Victoria
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On Medical Device Cybersecurity Compliance in EU
SEH 2021
Tuomas Granlund , Juha Vedenpää Solita Ltd, Finland, Vlad Stirbu , Tommi Mikkonen University of Helsinki
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Extending SOUP to ML Models When Designing Certified Medical Systems
SEH 2021
Vlad Stirbu , Tuomas Granlund , Jere Helén University of Helsinki, Tommi Mikkonen University of Helsinki
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17:00 - 17:45
Keynote SessionSEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Frances Paulisch Siemens Healthineers
Software Estimation Lessons Learned from Covid-19 Forecasting
SEH 2021
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18:00 - 19:10
Paper Session 3 - ArchitectureSEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Elisa Yumi Nakagawa University of São Paulo
Wandering and getting lost: the architecture of an app activating local communities on dementia issues
SEH 2021
Nicklas Sindlev Andersen University of Southern Denmark, Marco Chiarandini University of Southern Denmark, Jacopo Mauro University of Southern Denmark
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Blockchains' federation for integrating distributed health data using a patient-centered approach
SEH 2021
Javier Rojo University of Extremadura, Juan Hernandez University of Extremadura, Juan Manuel Murillo University of Extremadura, Jose García-Alonso Universidad de Extremadura
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Application of HL7 FHIR in a Microservice Architecture for Patient Navigation on Registration and Appointments
SEH 2021
Giovani Nícolas Bettoni Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Thafarel Camargo Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Bruno Gomes Tavares dos Santos Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Cecília Dias Flores Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Filipe Santana da Silva UFCSPA - Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
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19:30 - 20:40
Paper Session 4 - RequirementsSEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Jens Weber University of Victoria
Probabilistic Model Checking for Activity Recognition in Medical Serious Games
SEH 2021
Thibaud L'Yvonnet Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique, Sophia méditerranée, Elisabetta De Maria Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, Sabine Moisan Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique, Sophia méditerranée, Jean-Paul Rigault Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique, Sophia méditerranée
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The case of Golden Jubilants: using a prototype to support healthcare technology research
SEH 2021
Bilal Ahmad Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick, Sarah Beecham Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick, Ita Richardson Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick
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Evaluating Dissemination and Implementation Strategies to Develop Clinical Software
SEH 2021
Gaston Marquez Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Carla Taramasco ISCPIF
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20:40 - 21:00
Closing SessionSEH 2021 at SEH Room
Chair(s): Elena Navarro University of Castilla-La Mancha, Jens Weber University of Victoria
Day closing
Closing Session
SEH 2021

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Accepted Papers

A Framework for Building Safe and Resilient Public Feeding Programs
SEH 2021
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Application of HL7 FHIR in a Microservice Architecture for Patient Navigation on Registration and Appointments
SEH 2021
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Automatic Classification and Entity Relation Detection in Hungarian Spinal MRI Reports
SEH 2021
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Blockchains' federation for integrating distributed health data using a patient-centered approach
SEH 2021
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Evaluating Dissemination and Implementation Strategies to Develop Clinical Software
SEH 2021
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Extending SOUP to ML Models When Designing Certified Medical Systems
SEH 2021
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On Medical Device Cybersecurity Compliance in EU
SEH 2021
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Probabilistic Model Checking for Activity Recognition in Medical Serious Games
SEH 2021
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Provenance-based Trust Model for Assessing Data Quality during Clinical Decision Making
SEH 2021
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Software Development During COVID-19 Pandemic: an Analysis of Stack Overflow and GitHub
SEH 2021
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The case of Golden Jubilants: using a prototype to support healthcare technology research
SEH 2021
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Wandering and getting lost: the architecture of an app activating local communities on dementia issues
SEH 2021
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Call for Papers

This workshop will focus on discussing and establishing the theoretical foundations of software engineering for healthcare to develop and evolve complex health systems, paving the way for a more structured community effort. We expect to identify and characterize research that has effectively contributed to the patients’ quality of life and/or treatment outcome, pointing out further research directions. Finally, our goal is to continue developing an interdisciplinary, international community with an effective research, educational and industrial agenda for supporting software engineering in the healthcare sector. Hence, this workshop will focus on the combination of the following themes, but not limited to:

Software engineering: methods and techniques for modeling, designing, developing, and evaluating healthcare systems, software architecture extraction and description of healthcare systems, reference architectures, continuous architecting, architecting families of products, context awareness and autonomous computing, technical debt, software quality, development processes, user interface, system interoperability, cloud native applications, safety, security, sustainability, data governance, workflow integration, compliance and regulatory issues, and data analytics;

Healthcare systems: eHealth, mHealth, telehealth, electronic health records systems, medical devices, biomedical data, healthcare performance management, quality of care, medication adherence and health monitoring, electronic prescription, healthcare management systems, ageing users, standards, and clinical decision support. We look for papers that explore the above topics and the role that software engineering plays in creating solutions to address them. We are expressly interested in submissions from researchers in developing and underserved countries. We are also particularly interested in emerging trends in current practice submitted by those working in the healthcare domain.

Considering these themes, this workshop represents an important contribution for the software engineering and healthcare communities in terms of in-depth discussions and lessons learned, establishing a comprehensive research agenda for software engineering for healthcare.

Questions? Use the SEH contact form.