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SEthics 2021
Fri 4 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
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Fri 4 Jun

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13:30 - 13:40
Day opening
Workshop Overview
SEthics 2021

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16:15 - 17:15
Paper PresentationSEthics 2021 at SEthics Room
Chair(s): Fatma Başak Aydemir Boğaziçi University
Research paper
Towards Ethical Data-Driven Software: Filling the Gaps in Ethics Research & Practice
SEthics 2021
Brittany Johnson George Mason University, Justin Smith Lafayette College
Media Attached
Four Opportunities for SE Ethics Education
SEthics 2021
Alicia M. Grubb Smith College
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Research paper
Authorship ethics: an overview of research on the state of practice
SEthics 2021
Nasir Mehmood Minhas Blekinge Institute of Technology
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17:30 - 18:10
Working GroupSEthics 2021 at SEthics Room
Chair(s): Deepika Badampudi Blekinge Institute of Technology, Farnaz Fotrousi University of Hamburg
Ethics in Software Engineering Research
SEthics 2021

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18:10 - 18:55
Panel DiscussionSEthics 2021 at SEthics Room
Chair(s): Raian Ali HBKU
Live Q&A
Software for Behavioral Mining and Change: The Ethical Dilemma
SEthics 2021
Gopal Ramchurn , Bernd Stahl Demontfort University, Dena Al-Thani
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18:55 - 19:00
Day closing
SEthics 2021 Closing
SEthics 2021

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Call for Papers

The Software Engineering Code of Ethics asks professionals to ensure software that for example, does not diminish the quality of life, threaten privacy or harm the environment. Software Engineering inevitably raises ethical concerns and questions about the role of human values in both practice and research. It is essential to identify ethical concerns and questions about the role of human values throughout the range of software engineering activities. It is also important to ensure that the involvement of human subjects in software engineering research is ethical.

The objective of SEthics workshop series is to explore the intersection of ethics, human values and software engineering activities. The first edition of the workshop, REthics 2020 , was organised with the requirements engineering community. Now in the second edition, SEthics 2021, we aim to shed light on current practices and research results and also identify emerging trends and research directions in software engineering.

SEthics 2021 will be a one-day discussion-oriented workshop, with theme-based tracks of paper presentations, a panel aimed at stimulating discussions, and working groups of participants. The workshop invites research papers (exploratory, empirical and solution) and industrial papers (experience reports, case studies and current practices and challenges).

We invite you to submit research papers on Ethics in Software Engineering. The topics of interest include but not limited to:

Elicitation and analysis of ethical concerns for software engineering.
Ethics laws and regulations in software engineering.
Ethics in social, behavioural and affective software.
Ethics in engineering AI systems.
Ethics in emerging software applications, e.g., IoT, Smart Cities, Games and Virtual Reality.
Testing and validation for adhering to ethical standard in software products.
Engineering for core ethical principles in software engineering, such as: Fairness, Honesty, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence.
Educating ethics in software engineering.
Ethical considerations in involving humans in software engineering.
Ethics in documenting and reporting software engineering research.

In all categories it is possible to submit:

Full papers (up to 8 pages)
Short/position/vision papers (up to 5 pages)
Proposal to present journal-first (up to 2 pages)

Questions? Use the SEthics contact form.