STAF 2025
Tue 10 - Fri 13 June 2025 Koblenz, Germany

The workshop will serve as a platform for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge work in agile Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), drawing from both industrial practice and academic research. Its objectives are to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of insights between practitioners and researchers regarding the challenges and potential solutions in agile MDE approaches.
  • Identify successful strategies and key factors for achieving success in implementing agile MDE.
  • Foster the growth and collaboration within the research and practitioner community in this field.

The emergence of agile methods and model-driven engineering (MDE) in the late 1990s and early 2000s offered contrasting yet innovative solutions to address the high failure rates observed in conventional software development processes. Initially, MDE processes, like the Rational Unified Process, appeared cumbersome and aligned with traditional staged development approaches, seemingly more suited to systems with static requirements. However, as businesses encountered environments characterised by rapid requirement changes and system evolution, the demand for agile MDE grew. Significant progress has since been made in applying agile MDE practices across various sectors such as telecoms, automotive, railway, and avionics.

Research efforts have also advanced in integrating agile methods with MDE concepts, aiming to leverage the strengths of both approaches. MDE enhances Agile practices by automating processes, thus accelerating value delivery to customers, and increasing process reliability. Conversely, increased agility in MDE processes can foster user-centred approaches and flexibility.

Previous Series

If you have questions, contact us by email at: sobhan[dot]tehrani[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk

Call for Papers

The workshop will focus on the issue of agility in model-driven development, and how concepts from Agile methods can help to improve the flexibility and usability of MDE in practice.

Topics include:

  • Integration of agile and model-driven methods

  • Lightweight modelling and tools for agile MDE

  • Acceleration and automation of MDE processes, using AI support or other approaches

  • Industrial applications of agile MDE

  • Agile MDE for safety-critical systems

  • Agile MDE approaches for reverse-engineering and re-engineering.

Two kinds of papers can be submitted:

  • Full papers (10 pages + 1 page for references)

  • Short papers (4 pages + 1 page for references), including initial ideas papers and practitioners reports.

All submissions must be written in English, adhere to the CEUR Style single-column formatting guidelines, and be submitted through EasyChair. All submissions must be original work and must not have been previously published or being under review elsewhere.

Each paper will be reviewed by three committee members. Accepted papers will be published in the volume of proceedings for the STAF 2025 satellite and co-located events published with CEUR-WS.

Questions? Use the Agile MDE contact form.