EnCyCriS 2025 Contributors
Role Type
Contributing to
Number of Roles
Results (39)
ahmad al-zuraiqial-zuraiqi, ahmad Queen's University Belfast |
Kawkab AldoshanAldoshan, Kawkab University of Georgia |
P. Mohan AnandAnand, P. Mohan Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India |
P.V. Sai CharanCharan, P.V. Sai New York University, USA |
Hrushikesh ChunduriChunduri, Hrushikesh Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India |
Callum CurtisCurtis, Callum University of Victoria |
Marcus DunnDunn, Marcus University of VictoriaCanada |
Hibah Mohammed GhouseGhouse, Hibah Mohammed HubspotUnited States |
Guang GongGong, Guang University of WaterlooCanada |
Denis GracaninGracanin, Denis Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityUnited States |
Desmond GreerGreer, Desmond Queens University United Kingdom |
Samantha HillHill, Samantha University of Victoria |
Enrique Larios VargasLarios Vargas, Enrique University of VictoriaCanada |
Nathan LauLau, Nathan VirginiaTechUnited States |
Milan Lopuhaä-ZwakenbergLopuhaä-Zwakenberg, Milan University of Twente |
Ita RyanRyan, Ita University College CorkIreland |
Kanna SekarSekar, Kanna GoogleUnited States |
Samiha ShimmiShimmi, Samiha Northern Illinois UniversityUnited States |
Sandeep K. ShuklaShukla, Sandeep K. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
John Eidar SimensenSimensen, John Eidar IFE |
Arty StarrStarr, Arty University of Victoria |
Margaret-Anne StoreyStorey, Margaret-Anne University of Victoria |
Mary Sánchez-GordónSánchez-Gordón, Mary Østfold University CollegeNorway |