FormaliSE 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Emitzá Guzmán

Registered user since Fri 31 Jul 2020

Name:Emitzá Guzmán

I’m an assistant professor in the Software and Sustainability (S2) group at the VU Amsterdam.

My research focuses on human factors in software engineering. I am especially interested in driving software engineering processes to be more inclusive. So far I have been involved in projects on user involvement, developer communication, software design rationale and team dynamics in development teams.

In my work I use a diverse set of quantitative and qualitative methods, and take inspiration from different fields, e.g, software engineering, data science and sociology, for my work.

Affiliation:Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research interests:Humans, Inclusive software, Ethics in Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering


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