Mon 20 - Tue 21 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2014
Ali Jannesari

Registered user since Thu 17 Jul 2014

Name:Ali Jannesari

Ali Jannesari (primary organizer) is the head of the Multicore Programming group at the Laboratory for Parallel Programming in Technical University of Darmstadt - Germany. His research interest is mainly focused on software engineering for multicore systems, including automated testing and debugging of parallel programs, parallelism discovery and parallelization methods, auto-tuning, and parallel programming models. Performing empirical studies towards the challenges that multicore software developers are facing is another major interest of his. Jannesari has a PhD in computer science from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the ACM, and the German Computer Science Society. He is responsible for the majority of the organizational aspects of the workshop. He is the primary contact and can be reached at

Affiliation:Technical University of Darmstadt


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