Benoit Combemale

Registered user since Sat 23 Aug 2014

Name:Benoit Combemale

Benoit Combemale is Full Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Rennes where he is co-leading the research team DiverSE joint to the IRISA and Inria labs. He is also adjunct researcher in the SM@RT team of the IRIT labs in Toulouse, and Chief Science Advisor for TwiinIT, a startup specializing in Digital Twins. He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), editorial board member for the journals SQJ and JOT, and steering committee member for the conferences MODELS, SLE, ICT4S and EDTConf. Prof. Combemale specializes in software engineering, including model driven software and systems engineering (MDE) and software language engineering (SLE), applied to scientific computing, cyber-physical systems and digital twins. Prof. Combemale has been a Full Professor at the University of Toulouse, and a Visiting Professor at Colorado State University and McGill University. More information at

Affiliation:University of Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Personal website:
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Language Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, Validation & Verification
