CAIN 2023
Mon 15 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Sakina Fatima

Registered user since Fri 3 Feb 2023

Name:Sakina Fatima

Sakina Fatima is a third-year PhD candidate at the School of EECS at the University of Ottawa, Canada and a member of Nanda Lab. Sakina will be joining Microsoft RiSE group at Redmond, Washington in Summers 2023 as a Research Intern.
She obtained an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters degree in Dependable Software Systems from the University of St Andrews, United Kingdom and Maynooth University, Ireland. In 2019, she was awarded the French Government Medal and the National University of Ireland prize for distinction in collaborative degrees. Her research interests include automated software testing and applied machine learning.

Affiliation:University of Ottawa
Research interests:Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering, Software Testing


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