Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
We invite submissions of research and experience papers under two categories:
Long paper: Long papers are research or experience papers describing research results, case studies, and insights from industry experience. A research or experience full paper is up to 10 pages plus a maximum of 2 pages for references.
Short paper: Papers describing the challenges, new research results, visionary ideas, or experience papers from, or in cooperation with, practitioners are welcome as short papers. In progress research with interim results can also be appropriate as short papers. A short paper is up to 5 pages plus a maximum of 1 page for references.
The paper submissions will undergo a review process with three independent reviews and a virtual PC decision discussions. The acceptance criteria include novelty, research and industrial relevance, soundness, experiences, and preliminary results. The accepted full and short papers will be published in ACM Proceedings.
Topics of Interest
The overall area is Software Engineering for AI, i.e. means to improve development of software AI-based systems and software-intensive systems, including topics relevant for the entire lifecycle. The suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- System and software requirements and their relations AI/ML modeling;
- Data management ensuring relevance and efficiency related to business goals;
- System and software architecture of AI-based systems;
- Integration of AI-development process and software development processes, including continuous and federated ML, continuous deployment, system, and software evolution;
- Ensuring and managing system and software nonfunctional properties and their relation to AI/ML properties, including run-time properties such as performance, safety, security, reliability, and life-cycle properties including reusability, maintainability, and evolution;
- Development teams, organizational and management issues for a successful development of AI-systems.
- Building effective infrastructures to support development of AI/ML components
Submission Form
The papers should be submitted to HotCrp web page. The submission deadline is firm.
All submissions must adhere to the following requirements:
- The page limit is 10 pages plus 2 additional pages of references for long papers and 5 pages plus 1 additional page for references for short papers.
- Submissions must strictly conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template. All submissions must be in PDF.
- Submissions must be unpublished original work and should not be under review or submitted elsewhere while being under consideration.
- By submitting to CAIN, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. The authors also acknowledge that they conform to the authorship policy of the ACM and the authorship policy of the IEEE.
- The submissions will be reviewed in a form of Double Blind Review process, i.e. the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission. For formatting and additional instructions see Submission format
The accepted papers will be published in the ICSE 2023 Co-located Event Proceedings and included in the IEEE and ACM Digital Libraries. Authors of accepted papers are required to register and present their accepted paper at the conference in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings and the Digital Libraries.
The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM or IEEE Digital Libraries. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2023. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Mon 15 MayDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
17:00 - 17:15 | |||
17:15 - 18:45 | Data & Model OptimizationPapers / Posters / Industrial Talks at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Justus Bogner University of Stuttgart Click here to Join us over zoomClick here to watch the session recording on Youtube | ||
17:15 15mShort-paper | Automatically Resolving Data Source Dependency Hell in Large Scale Data Science Projects Papers Pre-print | ||
17:30 15mShort-paper | Dataflow graphs as complete causal graphs Papers Andrei Paleyes Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge, Siyuan Guo Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Bernhard Schölkopf MPI Tuebingen, Neil D. Lawrence Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge Pre-print | ||
17:45 20mLong-paper | Uncovering Energy-Efficient Practices in Deep Learning Training: Preliminary Steps Towards Green AIDistinguished paper Award Candidate Papers Tim Yarally Delft University of Technology, Luís Cruz Delft University of Technology, Daniel Feitosa University of Groningen, June Sallou Delft University of Technology, Arie van Deursen Delft University of Technology Pre-print | ||
18:05 15mShort-paper | Prevalence of Code Smells in Reinforcement Learning Projects Papers Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes, Ivana Dusparic Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Christian Cabrera Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge Pre-print Media Attached | ||
18:20 20mLong-paper | Automotive Perception Software Development: An Empirical Investigation into Data, Annotation, and Ecosystem Challenges Papers Hans-Martin Heyn University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology, Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, Markus Borg CodeScene, Alessia Knauss Zenseact AB, Polly Jing Li Kognic AB Pre-print |
19:00 - 20:30 | Training & LearningPapers at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Rrezarta Krasniqi University of North Carolina at Charlotte Click here to Join us over zoomClick here to watch the session recording on YouTube | ||
19:00 20mLong-paper | Replay-Driven Continual Learning for the Industrial Internet of Things Papers Sagar Sen , Simon Myklebust Nielsen University of Oslo, Norway, Erik Johannes Husom SINTEF Digital, Arda Goknil SINTEF Digital, Simeon Tverdal SINTEF Digital, Leonardo Sastoque Pinilla Centro de Fabricación Avanzada Aeronáutica (CFAA) | ||
19:20 20mLong-paper | Towards Understanding Model Quantization for Reliable Deep Neural Network Deployment Papers Qiang Hu University of Luxembourg, Yuejun GUo University of Luxembourg, Maxime Cordy University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Xiaofei Xie Singapore Management University, Wei Ma Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | ||
19:40 20mLong-paper | Exploring Hyperparameter Usage and Tuning in Machine Learning ResearchDistinguished paper Award Candidate Papers Sebastian Simon Leipzig University, Nikolay Kolyada , Christopher Akiki Leipzig University, Martin Potthast Leipzig University, Benno Stein Bauhaus-University Weimar, Norbert Siegmund Leipzig University Pre-print | ||
20:00 15mShort-paper | An Initial Analysis of Repair and Side-effect Prediction for Neural Networks Papers Yuta Ishimoto Kyushu University, Ken Matsui Kyushu University, Masanari Kondo Kyushu University, Naoyasu Ubayashi Kyushu University, Yasutaka Kamei Kyushu University Pre-print |
20:45 - 22:15 | Poster - OnlinePosters / Papers at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Mona Rahimi Northern Illinois University, Karthik Vaidhyanathan IIIT Hyderabad Click here to Join us over zoomClick Here to watch the session recording on YouTube | ||
21:45 30mBreak | Break Out Session - Online Papers |
22:30 - 23:30 | Keynote - Dr. Ken PowerPapers at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University Click here to Join us over zoomClick Here to watch the session recording on Youtube | ||
22:30 60mKeynote | AI Engineering in Autonomous Vehicle Development - Ken Power Papers Ken Power Motional |
Tue 16 MayDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
17:00 - 18:15 | Keynote - Dr. Foutse KhomhPapers at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon University Click here to Join us over zoomClick Here to watch the session recording on YouTube | ||
17:00 75mKeynote | Engineering Trustworthy AI Systems - Foutse Khomh Papers Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal |
22:00 - 23:15 | Panel - OnlinePapers at Virtual - Zoom for CAIN Chair(s): Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology Click here to Join us over zoomClick here to watch the session recording on Youtube | ||
23:15 - 23:30 | |||
Sat 20 MayDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
09:00 - 10:30 | Welcome and Keynote by Dr. Aurelie JacquetPapers at Meeting Room 105 Chair(s): Zhenchang Xing CSIRO’s Data61; Australian National University | ||
09:00 15mDay opening | Welcome Papers Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon University | ||
09:15 75mKeynote | How international standards are defining best practice and helping implement AI responsibly: Dr. Aurelie Jacquet Papers |
13:30 - 15:00 | Realizing the Promise of AI: Challenges and Visions Papers at Meeting Room 105 Chair(s): Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon University | ||
13:30 8mLong-paper | A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components -- Collecting Experiences from 4758+ PractitionersDistinguished paper Award Candidate Papers Nadia Nahar Carnegie Mellon University, Haoran Zhang Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Grace Lewis Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Shurui Zhou University of Toronto, Canada, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University Pre-print File Attached | ||
13:38 8mShort-paper | Dataflow graphs as complete causal graphs Papers Andrei Paleyes Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge, Siyuan Guo Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Bernhard Schölkopf MPI Tuebingen, Neil D. Lawrence Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge Pre-print | ||
13:46 8mShort-paper | Prevalence of Code Smells in Reinforcement Learning Projects Papers Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes, Ivana Dusparic Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Christian Cabrera Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge Pre-print Media Attached | ||
13:54 8mShort-paper | Towards Code Generation from BDD Test Case Specifications: A vision Papers Leon Chemnitz TU Darmstadt, David Reichenbach TU Darmstadt, Germany, Hani Aldebes TU Darmstadt, Mariam Naveed TU Darmstadt, Krishna Narasimhan TU Darmstadt, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt Pre-print | ||
14:02 8mLong-paper | Towards Concrete and Connected AI Risk Assessment (C2AIRA): A Systematic Mapping Study Papers Boming Xia CSIRO's Data61 & University of New South Wales, Qinghua Lu CSIRO’s Data61, Harsha Perera CSIRO's Data61 & University of New South Wales, Liming Zhu The University of New South Wales, Zhenchang Xing , Yue Liu CSIRO's Data61 & University of New South Wales, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University Pre-print | ||
14:10 50mPanel | Panel Discussion - Onsite Papers |
15:30 - 17:30 | Roadmap and Closing RemarksPapers at Meeting Room 105 Chair(s): Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy | ||
Unscheduled Events
Not scheduled Break | Break - Online Papers | ||
Not scheduled Poster | Tea Break and Posters - OnSite Papers | ||
Not scheduled Dinner | CAIN Social Function - May 20th 1800 – 2100 at Meat Market, South Wharf. Papers |
Papers - Accepted and Awards
Candidates for Distinguished Paper Award
In no particular order
The award recipient will be announced during the conference
Title: A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners.
Authors: Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner -
Title: Exploring Hyperparameter Usage and Tuning in Machine Learning Research.
Authors: Sebastian Simon, Nikolay Kolyada, Christopher Akiki, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, and Norbert Siegmund -
Title: Uncovering Energy-Efficient Practices in Deep Learning Training: Preliminary Steps Towards Green AI.
Authors: Tim Yarally, Luís Cruz, Daniel Feitosa, June Sallou, and Arie van Deursen -
Title: Trustworthy and Robust AI Deployment by Design: A framework to inject best practice support into AI deployment pipelines.
Authors: Andras Schmelczer, and Joost Visser
List of Accepted Papers
Long Papers
Title: A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners.
Authors: Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner -
Title: Replay-Driven Continual Learning for the Industrial Internet of Things.
Authors: Sagar Sen, Simon Myklebust Nielsen, Erik Johannes Husom, Arda Goknil, Simeon Tverdal, and Leonardo Sastoque Pinilla -
Title: Engineering Challenges for AI-Supported Computer Vision in small Uncrewed Aerial Systems.
Authors: Muhammed Tawfiq Chowdhury, and Jane Cleland-Huang -
Title: Defining Quality Requirements for a Trustworthy AI Wildflower Monitoring Platform.
Authors: Petra Heck, and Gerard Schouten -
Title: Automotive Perception Software Development: An Empirical Investigation into Data, Annotation, and Ecosystem Challenges.
Authors: Hans-Martin Heyn, Khan Mohammad Habibullah, Eric Knauss, Jennifer Horkoff, Markus Borg, Alessia Knauss, and Polly Jing Li -
Title: Exploring Hyperparameter Usage and Tuning in Machine Learning Research.
Authors: Sebastian Simon, Nikolay Kolyada, Christopher Akiki, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, and Norbert Siegmund -
Title: Uncovering Energy-Efficient Practices in Deep Learning Training: Preliminary Steps Towards Green AI.
Authors: Tim Yarally, Luís Cruz, Daniel Feitosa, June Sallou, and Arie van Deursen -
Title: Design Patterns for AI-based Systems: A Multivocal Literature Review and Pattern Repository.
Authors: Lukas Heiland, Marius Hauser, and Justus Bogner -
Title: A Case Study on AI Engineering Practices: Developing an Autonomous Stock Trading System.
Authors: Marcel Grote, and Justus Bogner -
Title: Trustworthy and Robust AI Deployment by Design: A framework to inject best practice support into AI deployment pipelines.
Authors: Andras Schmelczer, and Joost Visser -
Title: Towards Understanding Model Quantization for Reliable Deep Neural Network Deployment.
Authors: Qiang Hu, Yuejun Guo, Maxime Cordy, Xiaofei Xie, Wei Ma, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon -
Title: Towards Concrete and Connected AI Risk Assessment (C2AIRA): A Systematic Mapping Study.
Authors: Boming Xia, Qinghua Lu, Harsha Perera, Liming Zhu, Zhenchang Xing, Yue Liu, and Jon Whittle
Short Papers
Title: Automatically Resolving Data Source Dependency Hell in Large Scale Data Science Projects.
Authors: Laurent Boué, Pratap Kunireddy, and Pavle Subotić -
Title: Dataflow graphs as complete causal graphs.
Authors: Andrei Paleyes, Siyuan Guo, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Neil D. Lawrence -
Title: Prevalence of Code Smells in Reinforcement Learning Projects.
Authors: Nicolas Cardozo, Ivana Dusparic, and Christian Cabrera -
Title: Towards Code Generation from BDD Test Case Specifications: A vision.
Authors: Leon Chemnitz, David Reichenbach, Hani Aldebes, Mariam Naveed, Krishna Narasimhan, and Mira Mezini -
Title: An Initial Analysis of Repair and Side-effect Prediction for Neural Networks.
Authors: Yuta Ishimoto, Ken Matsui, Masanari Kondo, Naoyasu Ubayashi, and Yasutaka Kamei