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CHASE 2021
Thu 20 - Fri 21 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Gustavo A. Oliva

Registered user since Wed 6 Sep 2017

Name:Gustavo A. Oliva

My name is Gustavo and I received my PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, under the supervision of professor Dr. Marco Aurélio Gerosa. I am currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Queen’s University in Canada under the supervision of professor Dr. Ahmed Hassan. In my research at the Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL), I aim to ease software maintenance and evolution by uncovering the relationship between two core concepts in Software Engineering: syntatic dependencies and software changes. As such, my work often involves applying a mix static analysis, historical analysis, and machine learning techniques.

Affiliation:Queen's University
Personal website: http://www.gaoliva.com
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Evolution, Software Architecture, Mining Software Repositories, Machine Learning


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