Registered user since Wed 13 Apr 2022
Name:Jazlyn Hellman
I’m a second-year Master’s student at McGill University conducting research at the intersection of HCI and software engineering under the supervision of Prof. Jin L.C. Guo and co-supervision of Prof. Jinghui Cheng.
My thesis is on open-source software usability and participatory design through analyzing power structures between key stakeholders.
I have a B.A. in Software Engineering and International Development with minors in Social Entrepreneurship and Arabic language. I’m interested in HCI, SE, and AI research to understand what design considerations should be made when creating systems that provide solutions for various types of social issues.
Affiliation:McGill University
GitHub: https://github.com/jazlynhellman
Research interests:HCI, SE, Participatory Design, Open-source
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