CHASE 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022
Sigrid Eldh

Registered user since Wed 4 May 2022

Name:Sigrid Eldh

Snr Specialist, Research Leader Software Test Technologies at Ericsson (BNEW Standards & Technology Computer Science dept.) MSc C.S. Uppsala University, PhD “On Test Design” Mälardalen University, Adj. Prof. Carleton University Diploma in Gestalt Organizational Leadership and Therapy from GIS Denmark

35 Years of experience of sw Industry, Govnmt. incl. own start up/consultancy. Holds Two Patents, Book 1987 (Operating systems - no longer in print) New book on Test Automation on its way w. Springer V.

Affiliation:Ericsson AB, Mälardalen University, Carleton Unviersity
Research interests:Software Testing, Analysis, Quality, Security, Reliability, SW Eng, large complex systems, IRL


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