CIbSE 2024
Mon 6 - Fri 10 May 2024 Curitiba, Brazil
Marcelo Marinho

Registered user since Tue 15 Dec 2020

Name:Marcelo Marinho

Marcelo Marinho is an adjunct professor at the Department of Computer Science (DC) at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFRPE). He was a post-doctoral researcher at Lero - the Irish Software Research Centre at the University of Limerick. He has a PhD in Computer Science (2015) from the Informatics Centre at Federal University of Pernambuco (CIn-UFPE) in Software Project Management area. He has a Masters in Computer Science (2010) from the University Federal of Pernambuco.

Affiliation:Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE)
Research interests:Software engineering, Global Software Development, Agile methods


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