CloudIntelligence 2021
Sat 29 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Maurício Aniche

Registered user since Tue 29 May 2018

Name:Maurício Aniche

I help developers to effectively maintain and evolve their software systems. My current research interests are software maintenance (evolution, refactoring, comprehension), software testing, and software monitoring and log analysis.

Background. I got my PhD (2016) and MSc (2012) degrees in Computer Science at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Before moving to academia, I worked as a software developer at Caelum (5 years), Locaweb (1 year), and VeriFone (3 years). Together with Caelum, I co-founded Alura, the most popular e-learning platform for software engineers in Brazil.

Education. I teach Software Testing and Quality (CS1110, CS bachelor), Software Analytics and Machine Learning for Software Engineering (IN3443, CS MSc), and Software Refactoring (CS4300, CS MSc). I supervise MSc students on software engineering topics.

Book author. I have authored technical books on test-driven development (the first book on the topic in Brazilian Portuguese), software testing automation, pragmatic object-oriented design, and introduction to C programming.

Affiliation:Delft University of Technology
Research interests:Software maintenance, testing, and evolution


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