/ Marco Couto

Registered user since Wed 13 Sep 2017
Name:Marco Couto
I completed my MsC degree in Informatics Engineering in 2014, with a thesis entitled “Monitoring Energy Consumption in Android Applications”, with a scholarship in a project called GreenSSCM – Green Software for Space Control Missions, at the University of Minho.
Currently, I am a PhD student in the MAP-i doctoral program. I am still working on the energy-aware software/green computing area, since my PhD thesis theme is “Energy-aware Software Product Lines”.
I am a member and one of the founders of the Green Software Lab (GSL) at the HASLab/INESC TEC at the University of Minho, where I am working now as a researcher.
Affiliation:HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho
Personal website:
Research interests:Source Code Analysis and Transformation, Performance, Machine Learning