/ Maurício Aniche

Registered user since Tue 29 May 2018
Name:Maurício Aniche
Dr. Maurício Aniche’s life mission is to help software engineers to become better and more productive. Maurício is a Tech Lead at Adyen, where he heads the Testing Enablement team. Maurício is a former assistant professor of software engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. His teaching efforts in software testing gave him the Computer Science Teacher of the Year 2021 award and the TU Delft Education Fellowship, a prestigious fellowship given to innovative lecturers. He is the author of the “Effective Software Testing”, and “Simple Object-Oriented Design”, both published by Manning.
Affiliation:Adyen N.V.
Personal website:
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of Automatically Identifying Parameter Constraints in Complex Web APIs: A Case Study at Adyen within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Author of Search-Based Software Re-Modularization: A Case Study at Adyen within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Author of The Effectiveness of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Software Refactoring within the Journal-First Papers-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- Author of Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self Grading within the JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training-track
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of An Exploratory Study of Log Placement Recommendation in an Enterprise System within the Technical Papers-track
- Author of Learning Off-By-One Mistakes: An Empirical Study within the Technical Papers-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
- Presenter of PyDriller 1.0 -- Ready to grow together within the Tutorials -track
International Conference on Program Comprehension
- Author of Understanding Developers’ Needs on Deprecation as a Language Feature within the Technical Papers -track
- Author of When Testing Meets Code Review: Why and How Developers Review Tests within the Technical Papers -track
- Author of How Modern News Aggregators Help Development Communities Shape and Share Knowledge within the Technical Papers -track
- Author of An Exploratory Study on Faults in Web API Integration in a Large-Scale Payment Company within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Author of Search-Based Test Data Generation for SQL Queries within the Technical Papers -track