ECBS 2023
Mon 16 - Wed 18 October 2023 Västerås, Sweden
Wolfgang Ahrendt

Registered user since Tue 8 Mar 2016

Name:Wolfgang Ahrendt

Wolfgang Ahrendt received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2001, and is currently Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. His contributions lie in deductive verification of software, runtime verification, and combinations of static verification with runtime verification and testing. Wolfgang Ahrendt is one of the people behind the software verification approach and system ‘KeY’. Recent application areas of his work include automotive software safety, smart contracts and, most recently, AI assisted development of robust software.

Affiliation:Chalmers University of Technology
Research interests:Formal Methods, Software Verification, Runtine Verification


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