ECBS 2023
Mon 16 - Wed 18 October 2023 Västerås, Sweden
Xiong Ning

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Name:Xiong Ning

Ning Xiong is Professor of Artificial Intelligence. He obtained the Ph.D with Excellent distinction from the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) in 2000. His research addresses various aspects of computational intelligence techniques, incuding machine learning and big data analytics, evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems, uncertainty management, as well as multi-sensor data fusion, for building self-learning and adaptive systems in industrial and medical domains. He is serving as editorial board members for three international journals. He also has been invited keynote speakers, program committee chairs for internastional conferences and guest editors of special issues for leading journals.

Affiliation:Mälardalen University
Research interests:Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Evolutionary Computing, Fuzzy Systems


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