EDTConf 2024
Mon 23 - Tue 24 September 2024 Linz, Austria
co-located with MODELS 2024
Sebastian Götz

Registered user since Wed 20 Apr 2016

Name:Sebastian Götz

I’m a tenured senior researcher at Software Technology Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Technology Dresden.

I finished my Ph.D. thesis on Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning by Contract Negotiation (multi-objective self-optimizing software systems) graded summa cum laude in 2013 until when I worked in the collaborative research center 912: HAEC (Highly Adaptive Energy-efficient Computing).

Now, I’m working as a senior researcher at Technische Universität Dresden where I teach the courses “Design Patterns and Frameworks”, “Component-based Software Engineering”, “Software Technology 2”, “Academic Skills in Software Engineering” and “Software Engineering for Self-aware Systems and Cobots”. I also manage the “Software Internship” with approx. 350 students every winter term conducting software projects from the task description to the final product in groups of 6.

Since 2019, I’m also teaching at FH Dresden the courses Programming 1 and 2 every winter and summer term. The courses start with Assembler and end with Object-oriented Programming and Modelling with C# and UML.

I’m actively involved in several research projects of the group, e.g., in the graduate college “Role-oriented Software Infrastructures”, the collaborative research center TRR339 “Digital Twin Street”, the excellence cluster CeTI “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” and the large-scale industrial project 6G-Life.

Additionally, since 2004, I work as a Java Enterprise Software Developer and, since 2010, are the head of the jExam Group, a student lifecycle management system.

My main research interest is the development and investigation of self-aware computing systems, often in the domain of robotics, using models@run.time.

Affiliation:Technische Universität Dresden
Research interests:Software Engineering, Collective Self-aware Systems, Models@run.time, Robotics, Energy-efficient Software


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