Registered user since Thu 10 Apr 2014
Isil Dillig is a Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin, where she leads the UToPiA research group. Her primary research interests span programming languages, formal methods, program synthesis, and software verification. She earned her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University. Dr. Dillig’s work has been recognized with honors such as the Sloan Research Fellowship and the NSF CAREER Award, as well as best paper awards at conferences including PLDI, POPL, OOPSLA, and ETAPS. She has served as Program Committee Chair for PLDI 2022 and CAV 2019 and contributed to program committees for many conferences in her field. Finally, her dedication to teaching has been recognized with multiple awards such as the Texas 10 and the College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award.
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