FSEN 2025
Mon 7 - Tue 8 April 2025 Västerås, Sweden

Poster Competition

Welcome to the Poster Presentation Event!

The poster presentation event aims to allow students to present their (accomplished or ongoing) research in the fields of software engineering and/or formal methods to the community. All submissions will be reviewed by a select group of FSEN program committee members.

Submission Requirements:

  • Submit a PDF file of your poster.
  • Include a one-page summary detailing your ongoing research.
  • Ensure your submission aligns with the themes of software engineering and/or formal methods.

Poster Presentation Tips:

  • Emphasise graphics over text to facilitate discussion.
  • Ensure a clear and logical progression from section to section.
  • Use charts and graphs to illustrate findings; avoid large tables of raw data.
  • Use high-resolution photographs and avoid web images.
  • Maintain consistency in margins, line spacing, borders, shading, and font usage (limit to 2–3 fonts).

Additional Information:

  • Each presenter must deliver a 2-minute lightning talk to attract attendees to their poster.
  • Facilities will support both in-person and online presentations, though in-person attendance is encouraged.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Link: Provide submission link here
  • Submission Deadline: December 15, 2024