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ICPC 2020
Mon 13 - Wed 15 July 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Patrizio Pelliccione

Registered user since Thu 5 May 2016

Name:Patrizio Pelliccione

Patrizio Pelliccione (male) is an Associate Professor at DISIM - University of L’Aquila and an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. He got his PhD in 2005 at the University of L’Aquila (Italy) and from February 1, 2014 he is Docent in Software Engineering, title given by the University of Gothenburg. His research topics are mainly in software engineering, software architectures modelling and verification, autonomous systems, and formal methods. He has co-authored more than 120 publications in journals and international conferences and workshops in these topics. He has been on the program committees for several top conferences, he is a reviewer for top journals in the software engineering domain, and he organized as program chair international conferences like ICSA2017 and FormaliSE 2018. He is very active in European and National projects. He is the PI for Co4Robots H2020 EU project for the University of Gothenburg. In his research activity he has collaborated with several industries such as Volvo Cars, Volvo AB, Ericsson, Jeppesen, Axis communication, Systemite AB, Thales Italia, Selex Marconi telecommunications, Siemens, Saab, TERMA, etc. More information is available at http://www.patriziopelliccione.com.

Affiliation:University of L'Aquila and Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Research interests:Software architecture, autonomous systems, verification


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