Registered user since Mon 6 Sep 2021
Tomas Cerny is a Professor of Computer Science at Baylor University. His area of research is software engineering, code analysis, security, aspect-oriented programming, user interface engineering, and enterprise application design. He received his Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague, and an M.S. degree from Baylor University.
From 2009 to 2017, he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Czech Technical University, FEE, Prague, Czech Republic. In 2017, he was a PostDoc at Baylor University, Texas, USA, and from the same year, he continues as Assistant Professor with a concentration on Software Engineering.
Dr. Cerny served 10+ years as the lead developer of the International Collegiate Programming Contest Management System. He authored nearly 100 publications mostly related to code analysis and aspect-oriented programming. Among his awards is the Outstanding Service Award ACM SIGAPP 2018 and 2015 or the 2011 ICPC Joseph S. DeBlasi Outstanding Contribution Award. In the past few years, he chaired multiple conferences including ACM SAC, ACM RACS, or ICITCS. Furthermore, he led special issues and track Code Analysis and Enterprise Applications.
International Conference on Program Comprehension
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