ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tomas Cerny

Registered user since Mon 6 Sep 2021

Name:Tomas Cerny

Tomas Cerny is an Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson. After earning Engineering and Masters’s degrees from the Czech Technical University, FEE, and from Baylor University, he has served as an Assistant professor at the Science and Computer Department at the Czech Technical University, FEE since 2009. Soon after earning a Doctoral degree in 2016, he returned to Baylor University to join the Computer Science department. He was tenured in 2023 at Baylor and moved as Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona.

His research focus is Software Engineering, Static Analysis, Cloud Computing Applications nd Architecture Degradation. He served 15+ years as the lead developer of the International Collegiate Programming Contest Management System. He authored nearly 200 publications, mostly relating to code analysis and aspect-oriented programming. Among his awards are the seven best papers, the 2023 Baylor Scholarship Award, the Outstanding Service Award ACM SIGAPP 2018 and 2015, and the 2011 ICPC Joseph S. DeBlasi Outstanding Contribution Award. He actively serves the scientific community and was on the organizing committee for IEEE SOSE, ESOCC, SANER, ACM SAC, ACM RACS, and ICITCS.

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Arizona
Research interests:Cloud-native, code analysis, microservice architecture, maintenance


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