Registered user since Mon 10 Feb 2020
Name:Adolfo Neto
I am an Associate Professor at the Informatics Department (DAINF) of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR).
I am the coordinator and co-host of Frontiers of Software Engineering (Fronteiras da Engenharia de Software), a podcast to reflect on the present and future of software engineering. We publish monthly episodes, usually in Portuguese, where we interview researchers in the field of SE.
My most cited paper in SE is “The effects of test driven development on internal quality, external quality and productivity: A systematic review”. Information and Software Technology 74 (June 2016).
More on my Google Scholar profile.
Affiliation:Federal University of Technology - Paraná
Personal website: http://adolfont.github.io/
Research interests:Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
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